Davids shirt part 1

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Destiny pov

Waking up before my bladder overflows I spring out of bed into Christian's bathroom quickly doing my business.

Getting up to wash my hands I instantly feel an stinging sensation between my legs that I didn't notice before. It hurts when I stand up straight , slouching a little was better but it still didn't take the pain away deciding to push the pain down I make my way back into the room wanting to lay down needing to feel warm in Christian's embrace.

Pulling back the covers I notice a red stain from the spot I was previously before using the restroom ,I didn't know what to do or how to react first thing coming to mind was that I got my period and now it's all over his sheets.


I felt so embarrassed that this would actually happen to me right now of all times I get my period.

Fuck Mother Nature and her stupid tricks.

Going back to the bathroom I quickly started the shower jumping in and washing off contemplating whether to die now and save myself from the most embarrassing thing that can happen at a guys house that I just lost my virginity to or wait until later when I die of humiliation.

I make my way out of the shower wrapping myself in the towel noticing I forgot to bring clothes with me , I hope he isn't up yet so I can make a run for the closet. I open the door to the bathroom just a little to take a peek and see if he was awake and thank the gods he wasn't.

Dashing to the closet I shut the door behind me thinking about what just happened and how was I going to get the sheets when he was still asleep on them .

Wait today is Sunday. I already had my period this month it's always the beginning so wtf was blood coming from?

Looking through my clothes I pick one of David's shirts I'd stolen once when I spent the night at his house. I'm not sure why I always have at least one of his shirts with me wherever I go but they make me feel safe when I wear them plus they don't look to bad on me.

Throwing on a pair of black leggings and slip on shoes I make my way out the closet feeling comfortable.

Once I step out of the closet Christian is sitting up on the bed looking at his phone paying no attention to the world ,knowing I have to face him sooner or later about the sheets but right now I really didn't want to. So I make my way back inside the closet retrieving my duffel and shoving all the clothes I brought back inside.

About two minutes later I was all done ready to tell Christian the problem than leave after. I wouldn't have to waste time taking a shower or getting dressed or packing my bag I could just make my way back to my car and drive home which sounds like a pretty good plan.

Leaving the closet I clear my throat to get Christian's attention to focus on me. When he looks up he seems almost confused as to why my duffel is on my shoulder , I took a deep breath waiting for him to speak.

Here goes nothing.

"Where are you going it's only..nine in the morning"

"I'm going home I just wanted to say im sorry I can give you money for the trouble-"

"Am I hearing you correct because it almost sounds as I'm some sort of prostitute" he says chucking which I didn't find funny the matter is serious although it did come out wrong.

"That sounded wrong but I was taking about the sheets there...t-there ruined" I say putting my head down anxiety eating me alive this is the worst I've felt in a while plus extremely embarrassing.

Christian pulls back the sheets revealing the spot I've ruined in his bed ,he looks at me with soft eyes while a little smile plays on his lips.

"Oh, no baby it's okay I have other sheets if that's what you were worried about it's okay"He makes his way over to me pulling me into his arms I felt better, I really needed that due to how sore I've become.

"But I don't know I thought I got my period but I've already had it which doesn't make since I don't know what's wrong with me I-" he stops me from ranting on further which I am very thankful for

"shh baby it's normal when your a virgin and you have sex for the first time you tend to bleed due to penetration, how come you didn't know this"

"To be honest everyone that has told me about there first times said that they didn't bleed at all so when I saw it I freaked out" nuzzling my head deep into his chest I could hear his heart beating while he pats my hair to calm me down.

"Sometimes baby everyone's body isn't the same some may bleed some may not you just happen to be one of the ones that bleed it's normal"

"This is so embarrassing you basically educated me in something school failed to do" I say laughing at the thought.

"It's not embarrassing at all Destiny"



He says lifting my chin up and planting a gentle kiss on my lips I instantly felt better although the pain didn't go away causing me to wince a little.

"Your sore" I shake my head Yes holding on to his biceps before I knew it he lifted me up my legs wrapping around his waist almost instantly while he made his way down stairs into the living room , placing me on the couch he goes into caregiver mode making me breakfast with orange juice on the side feeding me while my favorite tv show plays cleaning up after me checking to see if I'm okay every five seconds before he spoons with me on the couch making me feel better already by just him being there and caring for me was enough.



"I forgot to ask you something"

"What was that?"

"Who's shirt are you wearing"
Ok so double update tonight or what?
Bye loves until next time💕

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