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I lay on the bed while Mr.hayes hovers over me not making a sound he just stares at me I don't know what to say or do at this moment the silence is killing me with anticipation.

"Be mine" he says which sounded more like a demand ,I don't know what to say my brain is telling me one thing but my body says another.

" Sir i-im only..sev-seventeen and that means you can go to j-jail" I say stating the facts but he only chuckles

"you think the police will stop the way I feel about you than you are mistaken" he says ,I'm completely at awe right now he's a man that really likes me so I can see anyway.

Don't think about David he is just your best friend you two will never be a couple. He wants Sarah. Sarah is the one for him.
He loves her the way he cannot love you. Focus on the opportunity in front of you.

My mind keeps putting thoughts in my head.

"Your so adorable when you think" he says and snaps me out of my thoughts ,I can't help my body acts on its own and kisses him on the lips I can see he is taken back by my sudden actions but I keep it up and soon he goes with it and does the same.

He pulls me on top of him and the kiss is getting a bit to much, he starts to rub his hands down my back on to my butt and I realized I'm still completely naked!!

I break away from the kiss and look at his lust filled eyes.

"Yes I'll be yours but...." I say and his eyes sparkle, his eyes were mesmerizing I could stare into them all day and night

" But?" He ask waiting for my response.

"But if we are going to make this work we can't tell anyone this has to stay between you and I okay" I say

"yes mi preciosa belleza" he says ,I love his accent and how he sounds when he's calm it's .....soothing.

We spent the entire day in his bed talking about our likes and dislikes and I learned I have so much in common with him. We laugh and joke until our eyes were in tears and I have to say this is the happiest I've been in three months, at first I thought I made a stupid mistake by ever saying I will be his but life is to short and I want to live mine even though we are years apart I feel connected to him I don't think I believed in having a soulmate until now he really is something special.

I check the time on his watch as I lay on his chest listening to his heart beat steady. That's when I realized I have to go it's already 7pm!?! how long have I been here time really does fly when your having the time of your life. I get up and he groans protesting and pulling me back onto my place on his chest.

" I have to go Mr.hayes it's already late my parents might be worried" I say laughing at his sudden action

"No stay the night with me " he says almost child like and I can't help but giggle.

"Mr.haye-" I'm cut off

"don't call me that call me Christian" he says and I smile

" Well 'Christian' I need to go I have school tomorrow and I need to be home before my parents put out a search party" I say more serious this time.

" Call them and say your staying at a friend's place tonight " he begs me and I can't help but to smile he is so fucking adorable just imagine how he was as a kid makes my heart melt.

" The only friend I have is David " I say and instantly he becomes cold I haven't seen him like this since I first got here.

"Friend? that cannot be your friend if you kissed him". He says staring deep into my eyes and I feel like I want to hide under the sheets.

" We got over it he is with Sarah I'm with you what we shared was a mistake he told me so himself" I say full of confidence , he stares a little more and than his cold eyes calm a little

" okay if you say so I trust you mi preciosa belleza" he says

"What is 'mi preciosa belleza'?"  I ask wondering what is that he has been calling me all day.

"It means my precious beauty" he says and I smile brighter than ever but try to contain it from his view so I don't look completely stupid

"oh" is all I am able to say but my insides are jumping with excitement.

He thinks I'm beautiful yes!!!!!!!

I say inside of my head as he suddenly pulls me on top of him.
I straddle him while he lays back on the bed with his hands behind his head giving it support.

I put my hand into his muscular chest and he smirks ,I know that smirk by now nothing good can come from it well I mean it could but I'm not that easy to give it up just yet.

I lean forward and he closes his eyes I see my chance and jump from him onto the floor and make my way into the bathroom , before I can shut the door it's pushed open by a playful Christian.

He grabs me and I scream in delight.

"you thought you could get away that easy huh?" He says and I laugh as the throws me over his shoulder heading back to the bed.

"Mr.hayes I have to go home NOW!" I yell but he doesn't listen he continues to his destination and drop me on the bed

"Just one more hour" he says and I can see the hope in his eyes what's the harm of one more hour , I can just say I was at the library even though I don't like lying to my parents this one won't hurt.

One hour turned into two and then to three soon my eye lids started to get heavy and I feel asleep naked with Mr.hayes.
God he felt so good and warm I could stay like this for the rest of my life, I'll deal with the confusion tomorrow but for right now I just want to get lost in his touch.

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