Baby cakes

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Alex and I were outside of the school building In his car just chatting about his little plan.

"Ok so do you think we should go out now or wait" I hummed thinking of what would be better before I answer even though this is a complete lie I can't deny that I like this plan it is just funny in every way possible what people would say or act once we drop our 'relationship'.

"I think we should wait until later for more students to come it's more believable"
ok" Alex pulled out his phone and did whatever he was doing on it while I did the same.


Christian: after school my house no buts or excuses. Have a nice day at school baby.

Sighing I put my phone away I know I have been ignoring him lately but would you blame me the guy acted like such a jerk and than wanted to be all sorry I'm not ok with that. He can't determine who I can and can't be friends with this is my life I make my own choices.

"Ok I think we can get out now" opening his door Alex made his way around the car to my side opening my door. Thanking him he took my hand in his pressing a kiss to my cheek causing me to blush. Walking hand in hand hearing gasp and 'I told you so's' we don't pay any mind continuing to our destination to Alex's locker first since it's before my own.

"Alex everyone is staring" I whisper to him once he puts his history book inside his locker.

"And let them stare" he says placing his arm around my shoulder leading me to my locker.

"I don't like when people stare at me Alex you know that" I whine like a toddler

"it's ok destiny it just makes it all the better" walking up to my locker with Alex arm still on my shoulder I take and put things inside until we hear someone clear their throat.

"So you to are a 'thing' now?" turning around I see one of Jessica's wannabes with her arms crossed over her chest, taking my hand in his Alex speaks proudly.

"Yes we are is there a problem"

"Oh no, it's just you could do so much better"

"Oh really like who"

"Jessica duh she is wayyy more prettier and she would kill that outfit way better I mean have you even seen her I can put in a good word for you if you want" Alex stood there looking as if he is in deep thought he's about to speak before the bell rings cutting the conversation short causing her to walk away from us.

Walking into our first period class room a little before the late bell ring gasp fill the air even Mrs.Green herself couldn't believe her eyes at the sight of the new couple.

After half way through our lesson Mrs.Green got an important phone call so the rest of the period we were free to do whatever we wanted. Turning around in her seat Jessica gawks at Alex while he writes something in his notebook oblivious to someone drooling over him , clearing my throat she snaps her head to me and rolls her eyes eyeing Alex as if he's a piece of candy.

"Excuse me but I would like it if you'd stop drooling over MY boyfriend , thank you" I said the last part in a cheerful manner just to irritate her. Alex holds his head down but I can see the laugh he's holding in

"boyfriend? Really? You want me to believe that this strong, handsome, tall, smart, fine as hell looking man is yours?" I look at her with a blank expression not saying anything.

" I don't believe you he can't be yours your.... you" Any other person might have been offended but I wasn't I simply just nodded my head with a small smile adoring the stupid look on her face.

"Baby cakes" Alex speaks up looking into my eyes.

"Yes baby" I smile seeing the Distraught look on Jessica's face at the nickname

"come here" he holds his arms out to me , I quickly jump into his arms as if we are a real couple giggling when he nuzzles his face into my neck. Looking to Jessica she's steaming red right about now I didn't even think about it earlier how much this 'relationship' would affect her forgetting she liked him but who cares.

"You have got to be kidding me you two are lying your not an actual couple" she whimpers , I stop giggling at Alex sitting in his lap facing her

"well get over yourself Jessica he's MINE". I'm caught off guard when lips smash into my own opening my eyes I see Alex kissing me passionately and wow his lips are so soft and plump I couldn't stop my body from reacting to his kiss following his every move , the class does the biggest gasp they have since we walked into the school but I could care less right now my mind is running wild telling me this is getting really out of hand I'm letting Alex kiss me we were just suppose to be faking it but this doesn't seem like it's fake this feels like so much more my stomach fills with butterflies and twist in knots when his hand comes up grabbing the back of my neck to deepen the kiss.

Breaking apart the whole class is staring at us in complete shock I blush and hide my face into Alex's neck.

"Does that answer your question...I'm sorry what's your name again... baby cakes what's her name?" I laugh at his comment knowing he is just trying to be funny but play along.

"Baby her name is Jessica" I say resting my head on his shoulders watching Jessica horrified expression

"oh yeah Jessica" she blinks rapidly at us still not moving. Alex rubs circles on my back as my head nuzzles on his shoulder to find a comfortable spot.

"Princess are you tired"

"No just resting my head"

"Your sure"

"Yes baby I'm sure"

He kisses my temple returning to his English book writing down whatever he was writing while I sit there happy with the look that adores Jessica's face. I hear a big groan watching Jessica leave the classroom angrily her wannabes follow behind trying to be the first to comfort her. I gotta say Alex is a pretty good actor this might actually work after all.

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