Death to all

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I don't know why but I can't help but to feel nervous and frighten about Christian's arrival today he says he wants to see me but I don't know what I'm going to do I can't lie to him but I can't tell the truth either without bringing death to all.

Nine comes around he should be home by now I have to let him know because if I don't I think I'm going to burst I've been a horrible person and I can't live like that I just cant I'll accept my fate and tell Christian it was all my fault maybe he'll kill me instead of David I can't have his blood on my hands I just can't.

"Babygirl I've missed you so so much how are you?" Christian embraces me into a tight hug snuggling his face in the crook of my neck

"I've been ok but ch-"

"No I have a surprise for you baby come with me" I nervously follow him upstairs into the room I seen horrible things as he leads me down those stairs my hands begin to shake with fear of David being tortured down here and Christian is going to make me watch. Bracing myself for the worst I close my eyes

"open your eyes silly" Christian chuckles , slowly I open up my eyes to see a clean room with gym equipment I'm shocked I was expecting to see David being held upside down getting beaten to death but it gym equipment.

"I wanted to surprise you I've found that since i have a problem with my anger I can just come here and take it out of these things instead of innocent people for you babygirl I want to change you make me better" a tear escapes my eye followed by many more I began to break down crying I've done him so wrong and he's trying to change for my sake how could I have been so stupid to think that this could actually work I don't deserve his kindness or love. I storm back upstairs going into his bedroom to cry in private but in walks Christian with a worried face bending down wiping my tears away.

"Baby what's wrong did you not like it I can make it to your liking if you want just tell me ok?" He says softly making me cry harder why can't he be a dick so this can be easier.

Figuring it's never a right time for anything I come out with it.

"I... I don't deserve've been so kind and loving.. I can't take it anymore" I cry out.

"what are you saving baby doll I don't deserve you, you on the other hand deserve everything I can give to you don't ever doubt that ok?"

Why must he be like this I feel like a horrible human being for what I'm about to say to him he can't just be an asshole for this one little conversation.

"slept with d..David" I finally choke out looking down at my lap waiting for his rage to come but it's silent an eerie silent , looking up at him he has his eyes closed trying to stop the anger that's seething from him.

"when" he says in a scary calm voice I don't want to answer because answering that question would only make it worse but I know if I don't he's going to lose it.

"th..the day left" I say in a small voice hoping he didn't hear.

He gets up slowly from the floor rubbing his face with his hands standing to the side of the room pacing back and forth I watch his ever move , he finally stops punching the walls numerous times putting giant holes in the wall with every blow.

Tears stream down my eyes faster as I sob louder for him to stop his attack but he doesn't let up he continues with more and more force.

"Christian stop your hurting yourself please stop" I sob it kills me I've hurt him I am a horrible person. He stops still full of rage before taking his phone out of his pocket calling someone.

"pick him up now I want him at my house in ten fucking minutes" he yells into the phone and I know exactly who he's talking about David I can't help but cry louder knowing I've got him into this, Christian looks to me before talking into the phone once more.

"oh yeah bring the Alex kid with him" my heart dropped in my chest Alex hasn't done anything wrong.

"No Alex hasn't done anything wrong he doesn't need to be brought into this" I cry out.

"this is what happens when you don't obey my rules destiny you brought this on yourself and those boys also" he says before closing the door him disappearing behind it but I can still hear the shattering of glass though out the house.

I've fucked up bad
I wake up on the floor of Christian's room I must have passed out from crying so much moving to get up the door opens there stands Christian looking intimidating as ever.

"Don't worry I haven't touched them yet I was waiting until you woke up" he says taking long strides towards me until he's standing above me, we stare In each other eyes before he gets down on his knees putting his hands tightly around my waist nuzzling his face in my stomach I wanted to just die how could I hurt him this badly.

"Was I not good enough for you what did I do wrong destiny I loved and cared for you anything you wanted I could've given you all you had to do was ask and I would have brought it to you on my hands and knees" he sniffles breaking my heart even more

He's crying I never seen him cry I'm the cause of his pain. Fuck my life.

"I love you so fucking much it kills me inside. My heart beats for you and you only I never even looked at another women since the day you told me you were mine ,what does he have that I don't tell me please because I can't lose you to him or Alex tell me what I have to do to satisfy you and I promise baby I'll do it I will for you I'll do anything you ask of me" he cries , I don't think I can handle this much emotion in one day I'm a selfish person.

"Christian I love you to so so much much by-" he stops me.

"than why did you do it?" I pause for awhile thinking if I should tell him might as well now, now is the time to clear the air.

"I have feelings for David and Alex also I don't why I do because I do love you I swear I love you with all my heart it hurts to see you like this i love them just the same I can't help it I feel this way i just can't" I cry , he stands up on his feet again looking me in the eyes.

I can see the tears still dripping from his eyes looking defeated I don't like this Christian I want my strong intimidating not letting anything get under his skin Christian I need him.

He kisses me slow and gently before pulling away leaving me wanting more.

"I have business to take care of I'll be back" he says and leave the room. I already know he meant David and Alex and I fear for their lives after I've told Christian my feelings for the two men inside this house somewhere I break down and cry into the pillow I'm so sorry.
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