Davids shirt part 2

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Destiny POV

Should I tell him? I mean it's not like I have something to hide it's just that I know him and David aren't the best of friends.

"Umm...it's uh Davids I think? Yea Davids shirt" coughing a little I sit up on the couch waiting for a response from Christian.

"Daddy?" I say turning around coming face to face with a furious christian.

"Baby why do you have David's shirt in the first place ?" He ask talking to me as if I'm a child but his voice very much intimidating for me to respond with sass.

"I always bring at least one thing of David's with me when I go somewhere that I will be staying" I say truthfully although it kind of sounds border line stalker.

"And why's that?"

"Because I don't know it's just what I've done almost my whole life basically"

"You still didn't answer my question how did you get this one"

"Well that's kinda a funny story actually. Sarah had bailed on him for the weekend so he asked if I wanted to spend my weekend with him and I said yeah it was really fun actually we did all sorts of-"

he cut me off putting his finger to my lips wanting to lick it but that would be childish and it's not the right time for that right now.

"So you spent a weekend with him how long have you two actually spent the night together without anyone else around"

"Umm plenty of times" I state with a duh tone.

"Baby I don't think I like the sound of that even though it was in the past I don't appreciate that happening" is he serious David and I are best friends of course we spent the night with each other it's just mandatory for best friends to do things like that.

"I don't know what's the problem baby you know me and David are close so it shouldn't bother you"

"But it does I don't like it"

This is really getting tiring if he thinks he can be all possessive of me with my best friend he had another thing coming even though me and David aren't on good terms right now and haven't talked in a while he's still my best friend and I know if it was the other way around he would defend me with his life so I'm going to do the same.

"So What your saying is that you don't want me and David being friends anymore?"

"Yes I am"

"Wow are you serious this is total bullshit if you think that I would give up my best friend that's been with me through everything, he's the reason I'm the person I am today why I'm not alone in this world because of him and you really want me to give that up?"

"Yes" he answered bluntly ,I couldn't believe what I was hearing did he really think it was okay to state something like that. Staring at him I decided I should leave before it becomes something worse than what it already was.

Standing up in front of a now sitting Christian I walk away from him into the bedroom spotting my duffel bag on the floor I pick it up and make my way down the stairs to leave only to be stopped by Christian holding my waist back against him.

"Let me go please"

"No why would I do that"

"Please just let me go I want to go home now"

"Baby we haven't even enjoyed the day together I'll go get a movie and we can order in how about that" He says kissing along my neck and shoulder , even though it felt amazing I wasn't going to let him know that or give in to him so easily the way he's been acting today.

"CHRISTIAN LEAVE ME ALONE!" My voice surprised even me ,I have never raised my voice nor did I call him by his first name in such a tone.

"Baby what did I do you never call me by my first name like that"

"Well it's your name get use to it"
pushing his hands from my waist I continue to walk towards the door, once again I'm stopped this time my feet not touching the ground anymore.

"Put me down Christian I meant it" struggling in his hold to get free

"baby just calm done please"

"no let me go I'm going home Christian move now" he walks up stairs into his bedroom discarding me onto the bed and locking the door. Great so no quick escape there.

"Now baby girl I don't know what happened but please calm down and talk to me I'm... I-I'm s..s..s-sorry there I said it I'm sorry" looking into his eyes I can tell that's hard for him to admit and the way he stuttered I know he wasn't fond of the word but he actually said it even though it means a lot I couldn't get over what he said about David it wasn't right.

"Christian it's okay I just want to go home and clear my mind okay I'll talk to you later" I try making it for the door but I am stopped by Christian on his knees holding onto my waist tightly.

"Christian what are you doing let go"

"Please don't leave I promise I'll be good I.. I'll be a good boy please just don't leave me"

I stood there shook by his words what does he mean be a good boy. He held me even tighter but I didn't move nor did I pull him away I stood there not knowing what to do, hesitantly I pat his hair soothing him seeing him break down was so heart breaking but weird at the same time I never thought this day would turn out like this.

"Christian get up" I say deciding it was time to move ,my legs were aching to the point where I couldn't stand anymore.

"No baby I'm sorry I swear i didn't mean it don't leave" my heart ache even more from his words why is this happening all I want to do is make the pain he feeling go away.


"Baby don't call me that I know your mad at me right now but I don't want you to call me christian Okay"

"Christian I have to go I don't want to be here with you just let me go" I know it was harsh to say while he was feeling so low but I didn't know how to handle this situation was freaking me out.

"Baby please I'm sorry, I'm sorry I swear I'll be a good boy for you I swear I will" pushing his hand away from me finally I quickly unlock the door dashing threw the house towards the door I pick up my duffel and made my way out of the front door to my car ignoring him calling out to me ,immediately starting my engine I leave.

I don't know what the fuck just happened but it bothers me a little that he was breaking down in front of me I'll text him later when he calms down.
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I don't actually know what I was thinking when I wrote this so I just hope you like how the story twisted.
See you later loves💕

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