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Destiny's pov

Today feels like any other, my best friend who I don't even know is still my best friend or not isn't talking to me , its been a total of three months since I talked to him and now I'm done trying to reach out to him for him to just ignore me like I know he is.

But today I take my driving test and I have to stay focused if I want to drive my new black Benz my parents bought me for my birthday. I promised them I would get my license before I drove and to be responsible.

Putting on my black fitted jeans with a cream sweater I head out of the door my mind usually goes and remember Mr.hayes for long periods of time but not today I refuse to let anything stop me from passing this test with flying colors.
"YES! YES! YES!" I scream as I run into my house.

My mom is in the kitchen cleaning some things when she notices me screaming at the top of my lungs with excitement.

"honey what's going on in here" she says worry in her voice , I look at her my face hurting from how big my smile is as if she was reading my mind she runs up and hugs me whispering in my ear.

"aww honey I knew you could do it I'm so proud of you wait until your father hears" she says and I jump up and down excitement clear in my face.

  "well let me see it" she states, I quickly go inside my hand bag and retrieve my licence I am over the limit happy I mean I don't think no one in the world is happy how I am right now they cannot be.

We talk for a while and called my father to tell him the news and he sounded as if he won a medal , he talked about how proud he was of me and how I was growning up fast. I heard the emotional tone in his voice and before this lead into a sobbing conversation he quickly states him and mom will be out tonight for dinner and asked if I wanted to join.

I said no I needed to rest in my room still not over how David was acting towards me I needed just a little more time to heal from the hurt I was feeling. We bid our goodbyes and mom once again hugged and kissed my cheeks telling me how much she loved me and was proud.
I watched the television in my room quietly. Mom and dad had left only about 5 minutes ago not before telling me they were leaving, my phone started to vibrate next to my night stand I quickly grabbed for it before it vibrates to the floor. I looked at the contact and it reads unknown I begin to feel hesitant about answering it but I did anyway.


" Destiny are you still up" I heard a voice I thought I would never hear again its been so long to long since we last spoke and my emotions weren't steady.

"Yes I am"

" Um.. can I come over I really need someone right now" David says and his voice sounds strange he sounds broken, I feel nervous and even though I'm mad with him I immediately answer.

"Yes of course just let me know when your outside" I say back full of concern for him.

" I'm already outside come to the door".

He hung up and I quickly run to down the stairs to the front door I unlock it and see him standing there not looking like his normal self, he looks stressed and tired. He looks up at me and I see pain in his eyes I quickly open the door wider so he can come in.

I lead the way to my room and shut the door behind him while he sat at the edge of my bed with his hands in his pockets, I wonder what's the matter why is he acting so strange?

" What's wrong David " I ask and take a seat next to him.

He stares at me for a minute and then looks down. His next words shock me and I stood their not knowing how to feel about it.

"She cheated on me" he says and I can see the hurt inside of his eyes.

That bitch I knew I didn't like her for a reason I knew it was something behind all of that little miss perfect role she tried to act like around others. But the real question is why? How could she have done that to him he was so loyal and caring to her I bet another girl never crossed his mind not once.

" I- I don't know why or what I did wrong destiny wasn't I was good boyfriend I thought I was enough you know I gave her everything she could want.. I gave her my heart"  He says and lower his head in sadness again my heart aches for him.

"It's ok you were the best boyfriend, some times people just don't know what they have until one day it's gone and don't you ever doubt yourself you are perfect the way you are it's her that fucked up what she had, she had a loving And caring boyfriend who adored her and she fucked it up for the next guy you did absolutely nothing wrong you hear me ?" I say to him to cheer him up he stares at me and I stare back.

Before I know what's going on his lips smash into mine. I was caught off guard and surprised I didn't know how to react but then something strange happened I started kissing back and all the thoughts that were screaming and running around in my head were gone. It was all I ever wanted to kiss his soft lips and taste him.

The kiss started to heat up and he sucked on my lower lip which earned him a moan of pleasure from me I wanted more I needed more. I grabbed onto his shirt and pull him down towards me so we were closer if that's even possible considering our position.

My phone beeped and we both broke the kiss surprised and satisfied of what just happened I stare into his eyes and my phone beeped again. Damn whoever's messaging me right now I would like for you to stop and not fuck up the mood. he sense my irritation and smirks

" I think you should get that I'll call you later" he says and walks out of my room like nothing just happen, I feel annoyed and happy all at once but grabbed my phone forcefully from the night stand from another unknown number which now I know isn't David

Unknown:My beautiful destiny remember me? I need to talk to you its killing me the last time I say you was like a light came on in my dark world and without you I feel like I'm sinking deeper into that darkness just once I need to see you , Christian H.


He texted my phone. Wait how did he get my number?
This has been an eventful day now what am I suppose to do in a situation like this?
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Wow so their both back into her life I wonder what happens next? 🤔🤔

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