Chapter 5- The Flash of Two Worlds

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MacKenzie's POV

"Yesterday's surprise broadcast from a Star City vigilante who is calling himself the Green Arrow has spawned a massive outcry of both support and dissenters..." The news reporter says as we're all in the cortex.

"Catchy." Caitlin says to the name.

"I hate it when they put a color in their name." Cisco says.

"Yo." Barry says, walking into the cortex with Iris.

"Yo." Cisco responds. "The sample you gave us?"

"Yeah." Barry says.

"Not sand." Cisco says. "Definitely human cells."

"Yeah, I know. It's not him, I get it." Barry says.

"I hate to say it, but I think this Earth-2 theory is starting to make sense." Cisco says.

"For real?" Barry asks.

"What, you think Jay is lying about the Sand Demon?" Iris asks.

"I don't know. That's my point." Barry says. "But I'm not gonna just believe some guy that walks in here and says a few things that sort of check out."

"Sort of?" Cisco asks. "He was--he was right about Zoom."

"We don't even know anything about Zoom." Barry says and I cross my arms next to Cisco. "What is Zoom? Is Zoom even real? Right now, that's just, you know, a story around a campfire. I mean, have you discovered a breach yet?" Barry asks, walking over to Stein at the computers.

"Not yet, but we know how to now." Stein says.

"Have you found one thing to suggest that Jay is a speedster?" Barry asks, going over to Caitlin. "Is the Speed Force even in his system?"

"It doesn't appear to be, no." Caitlin says.

"See?" Barry asks. "We are scientists. You are a journalist. We test, we prove, we report. That's what we do. Except right now, nobody here wants to do any of that except me."

"Can we have the room for a minute?" Iris asks all of us after a moment of silence.

Cisco, Caitlin, Stein and I leave the cortex.

"We're looking for any structures that promote humidity." Jay says later that day. Barry had let Jay out of his cell and he was helping us in the cortex. Something to me still didn't feel right about him. "Greenhouses, grow rooms, anything of the sort. His body will literally start to fall apart if he becomes dehydrated."

"Like dry sand." Caitlin says.

"Exactly." Jay says. "Sand Demon always attacks on two fronts. He creates a diversion, then strikes when you're distracted."

"Okay, then what do we do?" Barry asks.

"Don't get distracted?" I suggest.

"Kind of. We use your speed to get to him before the distraction can happen." Jay tells Barry.

"Jay, how do I stop somebody who can slip through my fingers?" Barry asks.

"The way I was never able to." Jay says. "With lightning."

"Yo, are you about to pull a Zeus right now?" Cisco excitedly asks.

"What are you talking about?" Iris asks.

"Barry's gonna hurl lightning from the energy he creates when he runs." Jay says.

"Because lightning plus sand equals--" Caitlin starts.

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