Chapter 40- Versus Zoom

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MacKenzie's POV

Barry took Cisco somewhere, I don't know where. All I know is Harry asked me to help fix up Cisco's goggles.

Anyways, when they came back, Cisco seemed a little shaken up. I'm watching Harry fix up something.

"Hey. What do we got?" Barry asks Harry.

"It's your tachyon absorption enhancer upgrade." Harry says. "Retrofitted from when it was used to steal your speed, to now give you more of it. Almost done."

"That's amazing. Thank you." Barry says.

"You're welcome." Harry says.

"Is Cisco back yet? Have we seen him?" Barry asks and I stay quiet cause I know where he is.

"I haven't seen him." Caitlin says.

"Check his workshop." Harry says and Barry looks at me and I nod and we walk out to our workroom.

"Yeah, all right." Barry says. "Hey." He says as Iris walks in.

"Hey." Iris says. "We just came by to see if you guys needed some help."

"Oh. Uh, sure." Barry says.

"Yeah. We can always use an extra set of hands." Caitlin says. "Do you want to help me in the med bay?"

"Yeah." Iris says.

Iris follows after Caitlin to the medbay.

Joe walks over to talk to Barry.

"I'm gonna go." I tell Barry and he nods.

I walk out of the cortex and down the hallway to Cisco and my workroom.

I walk into the doorway and look around the workroom.

Then, I see Cisco sitting by the doorway.

"Cisco." I say, sitting down next to him by the doorway. He looks at me. "What's wrong?"

"What makes you think something is wrong?" Cisco asks me.

"Dude." I say. "You were pretty shaken when you came back from...wherever you went with Barry. What happened?"

"It's just..." Cisco starts and he sighs. "What if I turn evil?"

"Evil?" I ask.

"Yeah, like Reverb." Cisco says.

Even though Harry told Cisco and Barry not to tell anyone about what happened on Earth-2, he still told me, so I know everything.

"You're not gonna turn into Reverb." I tell him.

"But if I start opening breaches into other worlds, doing all this other crazy stuff Reverb was doing, then... what if this is how I become like him, evil?" Cisco asks.

"You're never gonna be like him." I tell Cisco.

"You don't know that." Cisco says.

"I do know that." I tell Cisco and I grab onto his hand. "It's not possible. You won't become like him, I won't let you."

Cisco takes a deep breath.

"Thank you." He tells me and I nod.

"I'll always look out for you, just like you look out for me." I tell him and he gives me a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"Alright." Cisco says and he stands up. He walks over to a table with something on it and starts fixing it.

I walk out of our workroom and see Barry walking towards the room, most likely to talk to Cisco.


We're in the cortex later that day. "You're all set." Harry says, putting a device under the emblem on Barry's suit. "He won't even know it's there."

"'Cause whoever said aesthetics aren't important." Cisco says.

"Not me." Harry says. "Let's go."

Harry motions Cisco to the side of the room and Cisco pulls my hand as he walks over. Caitlin and Barry talk.

"Hey, Cait, I know how hard this is gonna be for you, but we have to stop him." Barry says.

"I know, and I want to be supportive. I just... I can't face Jay." Caitlin says. "Or whatever his real name is."

"What does that mean?" Barry asks.

"Well, you remember when I was looking for his doppelganger, right?" Caitlin asks.

"Yeah. And you couldn't find him." Barry says.

"Because there is no Jay Garrick on this Earth." Caitlin says. "His doppelganger's name is Hunter Zolomon. Hunter Zolomon? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why?" Caitlin asks.

"Well, because on my Earth, Hunter Zolomon was a convicted serial killer." Harry says, putting a picture up on the screen.

"That's Jay?" Caitlin asks, looking at the picture.

"No, that is Hunter." Harry says. "Last public photo of Hunter Zolomon. Instantly recognizable. And people from my Earth... on my Earth, serial killers are an anomaly, so a lot of media attention to this. There was a podcast. When Hunter was 11, his father killed his mother right in front of him. Father sent to prison, Hunter grew up in the foster care system.?"

"Years later he was convicted on 23 counts of murder." Barry says.

"23? That's, like, some real Hannibal Lecter type level." Cisco says.

"After the trial, Hunter was sent to the Saint Perez Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane... given daily electroshock therapy. Cure him of his urges and then faded from view." Harry says.

"Until the night your particle accelerator exploded." Caitlin says.

"That's right. The dark matter crept into the mental asylum. I had thought... piping the explosion underground would limit exposure. I was wrong. All it did was create an unstoppable monster." Harry says.

"He's not unstoppable. Jay doesn't know that we know who he really is." Barry says. "He thinks that his past is a secret."

"So?" Cisco asks.

"I think I have an idea of how we can stop him." Barry says.


We broke off into groups. I was told to go with Caitlin's group by both her and Cisco.

We walk to Dr. Wells' time vault.

"Are you sure Jay can't get in here?"Iris asks.

"Pretty sure, but just in case." Harry says, handing Joe a huge gun.

"How do you use this?" Joe asks.

"All right, so you aim it, and then you pull the trigger." Harry says.

"Smart ass." Joe says.

"Kid." Harry says, nodding in my direction.

"Sorry." Joe says.

"Barry and Cisco are in position." Iris says.

"Let's hope this thing works." Caitlin says.

I cross my fingers.


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