Chapter 8- The Fury of Firestorm

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MacKenzie's POV

I quickly woke up to see Cisco carrying me up the stairs to the cortex.

"Mack." Cisco breathes once he sees my eyes open.

"W-what's happening?" I ask as he rounds the corner to the cortex.

"Well, you passed out from your quakes and we're trying to stabilize Professor Stein." Cisco says quickly. "Hope you're able to stand cause I gotta go help."

Cisco quickly puts me on my feet on the ground and runs over to Caitlin and Barry, who are in the medical part of the cortex, trying to help Stein.

I stumble a little as I walk over to them, holding my head and seeing Stein on fire, blue fire.

"Hold him steady!" Cisco exclaims as Stein shakes.

"He's dropping out." Caitlin says.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on." Cisco says as he puts something on Stein's chest.

"Cisco, we're losing him!" Caitlin says.

"Got it!" Cisco exclaims, typing something on the computer.

Stein's fire stops and he stops shaking.

"Oh, Dios mio. Thank God." Cisco says.

"He's getting worse." Barry says.

"Look, I did what I could to re-engineer Doctor Wells's original stabilizer to quell the reaction, but I don't know what he used as a power source." Cisco says. "Best I could find was the one from his wheelchair."

"And how long will that last?" Caitlin asks, walking out with Cisco into the cortex where I am.

"Well, that's the problem, is we had already used up most of its energy trying to dampen the metas' powers during our little rogue air trip with Weather Wizard and company. I think we got a few days tops." Cisco says.

"And he's stuck in bed?" Barry asks.

"Yeah, when he wakes up, I'm gonna transfer the stabilizer to this, give him a power cane, get him moving." Cisco says.

"We gotta figure out a way to save him." Barry says.

"I think I might know how to do that." Caitlin says. "When the Particle Accelerator exploded, the dark matter that collided with Professor Stein fused with the Firestorm matrix and altered the normal molecular processes that occurs within his body. Those highly reactive molecules needed something to bond with in order to stabilize."

"And that's where Ronnie came in." Cisco says.

"Yes, and now that Ronnie is no longer a part of Professor Stein--" Caitlin says and I look down.

"Those molecules don't have anything to bond to." Barry says.

"And the longer he goes without merging, the more unstable he becomes." Caitlin says.

"Ugh. All right, so, what do we do?" Cisco asks.

"We find another... participant." Caitlin says.

"Okay, cool, so, how do we do that?" Cisco asks. "Are we just gonna make a Tinder app for potential meta-humans? 'Cause I'm pretty sure merging with Stein and randomly bursting into flames sounds like the biggest "swipe left" of all time."

"I mean, even if we could find someone willing, Stein can't just merge with whoever he wants." Barry says.

"No he can't, but I have done some research, and found two potential candidates that might be compatible with him." Caitlin says. "They both were affected by the dark matter, and they were both admitted to the hospital showing symptoms of gene rearrangement mutation. And they both share the same blood type as Professor Stein and Ronnie."

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