Chapter 42- Back to Normal

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MacKenzie's POV

We're in the cortex, all around Cisco who is holding Jay's helmet and vibing.

"I really wish we didn't have to keep Jay's helmet around. I hate this thing." Cisco says as he takes his goggles off.

"Well..." Barry says.

"Just want to put a dent in it." CIsco says.

"Cisco, did you see Caitlin in your vibe?" Iris asls.

"Zoom's got her in his lair. She's scared, but she's okay." Cisco says.

"Oh, thank God." Barry and I say together.

"All right, we need to get her back." Barry says.

"I know. But without your speed, there's no way any of us can get through that breach that Cisco found at the hospital." Joe says. "I just don't think there's anything we can do right now."

"He's right. And it's thanks to you, Al." Harry says.

"Enough. We're all suffering here." Joe says.

"That's right. That's right, Detective." Harry says. "We're all suffering. We've lost Snow, you've lost your speed, and now... now Zoom can come through that breach anytime he wants. And that, Allen... that's on you."

"Hey, that's on all of us, okay?" Iris says. "We made these decisions as a team."

"No we didn't." Harry says.

"Where are you going?" Barry asks.

"I'm gonna go find Jesse before Zoom does... again." Harry says.

"Wait, you found her?" Cisco asks. "How?"

"Cellular dead zones, remote... People from my Earth vibrate at a different frequency than people from your Earth." Harry says. "They leave cellular dead zones wherever they go."

"That's why I'm always dropping calls around you?" Cisco asks.

"Okay, so... so wait, how did that help?" Iris asks.

"I track the dead zones created by Jesse since she got here and I follow the trail." Harry says. "It's easy." He says, picking up a gun.

"What, so you think you're gonna need that gun to convince her to leave with you?" Iris asks.

"You're full of questions today, aren't you, West?" Harry says. "The gun is not for my daughter. She's not the only person from a different Earth, hiding out on this one If I run into them, I'm gonna need this." Harry walks to the doorway.

"Okay, but you're also gonna need some help." Cisco says.

"Really?" Harry asks, turning around towards us. "You know anyone with the speed to help me, Ramon?"

"Great. I'll be in my workshop." Cisco says. "Let's go, Mack."

We walk out of the cortex and down to our workroom.

We get to the workroom and I totally break.

I start breathing heavy and shaking slightly, looking around the room.

"Mack?" Cisco asks. "Mack are you okay?"

He comes over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders, looking in my eyes.

"I'm scared." I breathe out.

"It's gonna be okay." Cisco says.

"You don't know that." I say, my voice breaking a little. "This year, Jay died, then we find out Zoom IS Jay. Then, Jay takes Barry's speed and Caitlin and he knows who we are and what our weaknesses are and everything about us and it's Wells happening all over again from last year and--and--"

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