Chapter 41- Versus Zoom

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MacKenzie's POV

"Zoom's gaining on Barry." Iris says as we watch Barry and Zoom run throughout the city on the tablet.

"He can't catch him." Joe says.

"He better not." Harry says.

"Come on, Barry." I whisper.

Barry speeds up when he activates the tachyon device on his chest.

"That was close." Joe says.

"Too close." Iris says.

"The tachyon device is working." Caitlin says.

"Here they come." Harry says.

Harry points his gun at the wall and Joe does the same. Iris pulls me behind them and we wait.

"They're here." Iris says.

The cameras in the training area downstairs were showing us what was going on. Zoom started hesitating when cut out pictures of his parents were thrown in front of him.

"Get him, Barry." Joe says.

"It's working." Iris says.

Barry bears Zoom and pushes him to the ground. Barry takes his mask off and we see Jay's face. We hear their conversation through the cameras.

"How did you figure out who I was?" Jay asks.

"You made a mistake." Barry says, taking his mask off. "You told Caitlin who your doppelganger was."

"I had to do something to get her to stop trying to fix me." Jay says. "She's a smart girl. And that I was Zoom?"

"The Velocity-9." Barry says. "When you run fast enough, it turns a speedster's lightning blue. We would have helped you. We would have done anything we could to save your life."

"Not everything." Jay says.

"Caitlin found you a cure!" Barry tells Jay.

"A temporary one!" Jay yells. "I'm dying, Barry! There's only one thing that can get me what I need."

"And you just don't care how many lives you destroy trying to get it?" Barry asks, angry. "How many people you kill?"

"No, I don't!" Jay yells. "That feeling was taken from me a long time ago. We're not so different, you know. What happened to us when we were kids. You could have just as easily become me."

"No. I'd never become like you." Barry says.

"I got to say..." Jay says, standing up. "...that was smart. Using, uh, my parents against me. Oh, family. Such a weakness."

"Not for all of us." Barry says.

"Well, that's where you're wrong. It's time I get what I came for." Jay says.

"You're not getting anything from me. You're not getting anything from anybody ever again." Barry says. "On any Earth."

"You can't lock up the darkness." Jay says.

"What did you just say?" Barry asks.

"You can't lock up the darkness." Jay says in a dark voice.

Jay speeds away and Barry runs after him.


"Barry, are you sure?" Cisco asks as Barry holds Jay's helmet up to him.

"I'm sure." Barry says.

Barry had told us that Jay took Wally and he'll only give him back for Barry's speed.

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