Chapter 48- Invincible

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MacKenzie's POV

I walk into the cortex and see Caitlin there.


I give her a hug and hold onto her and Henry pulls me off, saying that he needs to make sure she's okay.

I hear the elevator open in the hall and hear Barry and Iris talking.

Cisco and I look at each other and then run into the hallway.

"Barry." I call through the hallway, sprinting over to him.

"Mack, you alright?" Barry asks, concerned.

"Guys. You have to come see this." Cisco says, catching up to me.

We run back through the hall and lead Barry and Iris into the cortex.

"Cisco, Mack, what are you..." Barry trails off and then he sees Caitlin. "Caitlin?"

"She's in shock. A little... dehydrated and malnourished, but I think she'll be fine." Henry says.

"I'm okay." Caitlin says, her voice teary. Barry walks over to her and kneels by her.

"What happened? How did you get away?" Barry asks.

"He... let me go. I didn't think he would; I thought it was a trap." Caitlin says. "But... he told me you were dead." She says quietly and shaky.

"I'm not. I'm right here. We're all here, together." Barry says.

"Snow. Jay's not here. You're safe." Harry says.

"He's gonna overrun the city. You can't stop him." Caitlin says.

"Yes, we can." Barry says. "Listen to me, he's not going to succeed. We've got this. This is our Earth."

"You don't know that. You don't know what he is capable of." Caitlin says.

"I know from being in the Speed Force that the universe is with us, not Zoom. And if the universe is with us, how could we possibly lose?" Barry asks. "Right, guys?"

"Yeah, yeah, right." Jesse says and I turn my head in confusion at his logic.

"You've been through a lot. You should get some rest, come on" Barry says, helping Caitlin up.

"You were in the Speed Force?" Caitlin asks.

As Barry leaves, he tells Caitlin his story.

"Okay, I'm gonna say it. Um, we don't think he's being just a little too..." Cisco trails off.

"Overconfident?" Iris asks. "Yeah, maybe it was his time in the Speed Force. I mean, he's acting like he's invincible now or something."

"Yeah, like nothing fazes him anymore, which isn't..." Harry says.

"Realistic, no." Harry says. "Somebody needs to talk to him before letting his guard down gets him hurt or worse."

"He did bring me out of my coma." Jesse says. "That's bound to make someone a little overly chipper."

"Well, like I said, somebody needs to talk to him." Harry says.


Cisco and I walk over to Barry in the medbay. Caitlin is sleeping on one of the beds.

"Hey." Barry whispers.

"She's out like a light, huh?" CIsco asks.

"Yeah. Jay really did a number on her." Barry says.

"It's not like he exactly used kid gloves on the rest of us." Cisco says.

I walk over to the bed where Caitlin's face is and kneel on the floor, holding her head and laying my head on the edge of the bed. I'm so happy she's back. I listen to Cisco and Barry talk.

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