Chapter 27- The Reverse-Flash Returns

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MacKenzie's POV

"What you got for me, Cisco?" Barry asks Cisco through the comms. Cisco, Harry and I sit at the desk in the cortex, well, they sit at the desk, I sit on the desk in between them facing the doorway with me legs dangling off the desk.

"You've been playing Good Samaritan all morning. Take a break." Cisco says. "Are you sure you don't want to get to CCPD, give Patty your attention?"

"No, I can see her later." Barry says.

"'Cause we cannot afford to waste any more time." Harry says.

"What, 'cause we've just been sipping Mai Tais since you got here?" Cisco asks.

"I don't know what you been sipping since I got here, but Barry needs to get better, stronger, faster. We need to train to prepare for Zoom." Harry says.

"Oh, I see. You haven't had your coffee this morning." Cisco says.

"I had my coffee this morning." Harry says. Cisco lifts his cup to his mouth and drinks. "Don't slurp. Don't. Don't. Don't." And of course, Cisco slurps.

"Runaway chemical transport truck heading south on Kester." CIsco says as the computer beeps.

"On it." BArry says. "Hey, I can't stop the truck! Somebody rigged it!" Is the next thing we hear from Barry.

"You can't let that truck crash. If you do, you'll take out a whole city block." Cisco tells him.

"Great. Thank you. Thank you for that." Barry sarcastically says.

"That was close, that was close." Barry says, recklessly steering the truck.

"Oh, and the plot thickens." Cisco says and I look at the computer.

"Uh, you got a dead-end up ahead." I tell Barry.

"You got to get out of there!" Cisco exclaims.

"Oh, come on." Barry mutters.

The tracker on the truck stops, and we smile knowing that it won't crash.

"That one was a little close." Barry says.

"Nice! Now can you please, please take a break?" Cisco asks Barry, then he turns to Harry. "How's that for training?"

"Great." Harry says.

"Look, we're gonna catch Zoom. We got Turtle locked up in the pipeline. All we got to do is use him to figure out how to steal Zoom's speed and then we'll get your daughter back." Cisco says.

"That might take longer than we thought." Jay says, walking in with Caitlin behind him.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because Turtle's dead." Caitlin says.

"Barry, we need you back here stat." Cisco says through the comms.

"All right. I'm on my way." Barry says.


"He better not be pulling a Juliet." Cisco says as Barry and Caitlin lean over Turtle's body in the pipeline cell. I'm not in the cell cause I'm not a fan of dead bodies. But I doubt anyone is so...I'm standing out of the cell with Cisco and Harry and Jay. "Yeah, that's right. I see plays."

"He's dead, Cisco." Caitlin says.

"How'd this happen?" Harry says.

"Preliminary brain scan shows an acute brain aneurysm." Caitlin says.

"The night we captured him." Jay says. "How's that for timing?"

"What does that mean? You think I did this, Garrick?" Harry asks. "This man is the key to us stopping Zoom, the key to me saving my daughter. Why would I want that?"

"Never understood why you do anything, Harrison." Jay says.

"That's fine with me, Garrick." Harry says.

"Guys, look. We need to figure out how to stop Zoom. Everything we've tried so far has failed. We need to start thinking outside the box. I mean, we haven't even figured out how to close the breaches yet. Maybe that's where we should start." Barry says.

"That's a good idea." Harry says. "I'll get on that." He says and he starts walking out.

"We'll help." Cisco says, grabbing my hand and pulling me along.


"It's not gonna work." Cisco says he walks in the doorway. I put the circuit I was working on down on the table next to me and listen to him. "Closing the breaches, that's like solving Einstein's riddle."

"I solved Einstein's riddle when I was ten." Harry says.

"Yeah, well, maybe Earth-2 Einstein wasn't as clever as ours." Cisco says.

"You realize this Earth is my Earth-2, right?" Harry asks.

"Listen to this." Cisco says. "What if we can figure out how to control my powers?"

"You mean you're telling me that you made me figure out how to control my powers the other day but you don't even know a single thing about yours?" I ask Cisco, jumping off my table and leaning against it with my arms crossed.

"That is beside the point." Cisco waves me off. "We could find Zoom, get the jump on him."

"That's a good idea. You should get on that." Harry says.

"I need your help, Harry." Cisco says.

"What you need, Ramon, is to figure out what triggers your vibes." Harry says.

"Exactly, and I don't know what triggers them. It's completely inconsistent." Cisco says. "Sometimes it's when I touch something that belongs to a breacher, sometimes it just happens."

"There's always a cause." Harry says. "Cause, effect. Doesn't take Einstein to figure that out."

"Okay, so what is the cause? You saw when I tried to vibe Dr. Light, when I tried to vibe you, took a while to work." Cisco says.

"Yes. Yes, it did." Harry says, standing up. " Meet me in the Time Vault."

"For what?" Cisco asks and Harry walks out.

Cisco looks at me.

"Don't look at me, let's go." I say and I lead the way to the time vault.

"Hello?" Cisco asks, standing behind me in the dark doorway.

"It's dark, you can go first." I tell him and I push Cisco in front of me.

"Hello? Harry?" Cisco asks, walking into the dark room and I follow. "Of course, now he's gonna make me wait in this freaky-ass braille room."
"Hi, Cisco." We hear Harry's voice say from behind us. Cisco screams and my quakes go off from fear as I turn around to see the reverse flash behind me.

"Stop! Don't do that!" Cisco yells.

"Relax, Ray, it's me." Harry says, and I control my quakes to a slow stop, still working the stopping part out. "figured out your trigger, Cisco. A rush of adrenaline. Dopamine floods the brain. And the quickest way to achieve that result...Fear!" Harry says and he puts his hands on Cisco and Cisco freezes.

"What did you see?" Harry asks Cisco, taking his mask off.

"The Reverse-Flash. He's here." Cisco says and I nervously look at him.


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