Chapter 44- Rupture

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MacKenzie's POV

"Barry, there's a high-speed chase heading south on Milton Ave." Cisco tells Barry.

I sit next to the computer Cisco is on as we watch Barry's tracker run through the city.

"Oh! Oh! You wanna play?" Cisco asks. "Okay! All right. Get ready to bring it!"

"They're not slowing down." Iris tells Barry.

"Of course not!" Barry says as he runs on the treadmill.

"They're headed for the Fifth Street tunnel. Satellite can't project in there." Cisco says.

"What? You just thought of this now?" Iris asks.

"In my defense, Mack set up the programming." Cisco says.

"I didn't think he'd actually try to outrun The Flash!" I defend.

"He wants to do the lightning toss." Iris tells us.

"Hologram." I tell her.

"It's a hologram. No lightning." Cisco says.

"No. No, no. The wind-up!" Iris says.

"So we can block their field of vision." Cisco says. "Yes! Of course. All right, Cisco. This is where all those countless hours gaming in your basement are about to pay off. Fingers, don't fail me now." He says as he types and controls the programming. "Leerooooy...!"

"I need a breather." Barry says, coming out of the treadmill room and into the cortex.

"I didn't think this hologram thing was gonna work, but so far, so good." Iris says, giving Cisco and I a high five.

"I mean, I figured if they could get 2Pac rapping again at a concert, we could definitely get The Flash running around Central City and that's when Mack set up the programming to make it work." Cisco says, giving me a high five.

"It's not gonna last." Harry says, walking in.

"There it is." Cisco mutters.

"It's not gonna be long before someone figures out, 'Oh, wait. You never say anything. You never touch anything. Oh, wait. You never go indoors'." Harry says.

"Okay, well, without Barry's speed, this is as good an idea as any." Iris says.

"Actually, I beg to differ. I think a better idea, instead of playing Hoodlums and Holograms would be to rebuild the particle accelerator to get Barry's speed back." Harry says.

"Yeah, Wells, that's what you keep saying." Barry says.

"That's right." Harry says.

"Look at what that explosion did to this city." Barry says.

"Not to mention, last time we tried something like that, we blew a hole in the universe and created, like, 50 portals to your Earth." Cisco says.

"Which is exactly how Zoom and his henchmen got here in the first place." Iris says.

"I told you. I know how to contain the explosion." Harry says.

"Really?" Barry asks.

"Yes." Harry says.

"You know how to contain a dark matter explosion that, last time, just radiated all of Central City?" Barry asks. "You tried this on your Earth, remember? Didn't go so well."

"And, even if you could contain it, I thought you said that Barry couldn't tap into the Speed Force anymore." Iris says.

"It wasn't connected the first time he got his powers." Harry says. "Look, I have your Wells's data. The Harrison Wells from this Earth, I have his science. I know what chemicals need to be in your body. I know how the lightning needs to bond with the dark matter from the particle accelerator explosion. I can recreate the circumstances to get you your speed back. This will work. Your subterfuge... is not gonna last. But more importantly... it's not gonna save Snow. It's not gonna bring your Caitlin back. You wanna be ready should Zoom return... if Zoom returns... when Zoom returns... there is only one way to do it, and that's by getting your speed back."

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