8: I Think I Like You

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Hiruzen : Kakashi. I need your help.
Hiruzen opens the door of a room. They both walked in and kakashi realised they were standing behind a transparent glass that looked into the other side. As for the other side...

The other side sat Nina. She was sitting in there on the floor alone. She just kept one writing onto her scrolls. Kept on writing.

Kakashi looked to her eyes... They were empty.

Hiruzen : she's been like that for two days. Wouldn't stop writing. When we took away her paper and brush, she almost killed someone.

Kakashi: Nina...

Hiruzen: you need to get her out of the trance. It's not some sort of genjitsu. Sighs. I think...

Kakashi: San daime... You think it has to do with the shiki fujin study.

Hiruzen: um. I was hoping you could do something...

Kakashi: I only can try. What about gai ?

Hiruzen: isn't back yet?

Kakashi: I see...
He enters the other side. He goes to her front " Nina. It's me. Kakashi. "

No reply. She just kept on writing. When there was no paper, she wrote on the ground. He read the words she wrote... They seemed to be all... Names.

Kakashi: what are you writing?

No reply.

Kakashi: can you even hear me...?

No reply.

Kakashi: I thought we agreed... You would wait for me to come back , then you'll do the study. You broke your promise. You sunk in. Was I ... Too lousy a reason for you to grasp? How is this dying? This is definitely wasting life. Don't you agree?

At this moment, she looks to him and stared into his eyes.

Kakashi: Nina.

She then goes back to writing.

Kakashi: Nina. Nina!!! Come back. Come back here. To me!! I am your stupid reason to live!! Grasp on me!!

She stops again and looks to him.

Kakashi: that's right. Me. Please grasp onto me. I want you to live. For whatever stupid reason. I want you to live. Because... Because...

Her head bows back down... He grabs onto her hand with the brush as she struggled to continue.

Kakashi: because it worries me seeing you like that!! I want you back!! Come back!! Please!!

" Come... back...?" She spoke without lifting her head as her hand with the brush continues to struggle.

Kakashi: yes. Come back.

Nina: why...? .... Impor...tant...?

Kakashi: because... I think I like you.

" Like... ? " She looks to him.

Kakashi: like.

She drops her brush and she collapsed.

Hiruzen runs in " how is she?!"

Kakashi: she's just exhausted.

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