27: Born. They're Girls

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Sakura : congratulations. They're both girls.

Nina carries them in her arms " they're so cute... Fragile..."

Sakura: all babies look like this.

Nina: I see.

Kakashi rushed through the door " so how are they? Are you ok?"

Nina smiled " they're here. Two girls " He got to her beside and carries the babies from her arms " they're so cute. A lot like you. "

Nina: they're just babies. Like you can tell things from them now.

Kakashi: I just think they look like you.

Nina: have you thought of a name?

Kakashi: niashi and nanashi

Nina: um. Ok.

He kisses her on the forehead " it's been hard on you. " She shakes her head " I'm glad we got them. "

Sakura: uhno... I know it's rude to interrupt... The babies' name...

Nina: Hatake Niashi and Hatake Nanashi for the girl. Arigato.

Sakura: erm... I have to erm... Write in the birth certificate... The father's name...

Kakashi smiled " Nina. We have to tell her. "

Nina: um...

Kakashi: me. I'm the father. She's my wife.

Sakura: eh?!! You never said anything!! You didn't look like someone who had a wife. At all. Kakashi sensei.

Kakashi: Nina is very nice to me.

Nina: so are you.

Sakura laughs " I didn't know you could be this mushy. Kakashi sensei. "

Kakashi: that's cos you don't have someone yet.

Sakura: keep quiet!!!

Nina : Sakura. Could you keep it a secret?

Sakura: eh ? Why?

Kakashi: Nina is low profile. She doesn't like people to know about her. She feels insecure. So... Could you do us a favour?

Sakura: um ! No problem!

Kakashi: so who's elder?

Nina: Niashi.

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