13: Talk To Me

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She hugs onto the yukata with one arm... And cried.

Why does this have to feel so painful?


Kakashi opens the communication seal " Nina. I know you don't want to hear my voice... Seeing you never answered me . Gomen. We won't go out again. Talk to me. Please. "

There was no reply again.

Kakashi: done.

Hiruzen: you seem kind of down lately. Like... Too serious.

Kakashi: is that so?

Hiruzen: what's going on?

Kakashi: nothing much.

Hiruzen: you should tell me. Maybe I can help you.

Kakashi: well...

Hiruzen: is it about the girlfriend?

Kakashi: San daime knows?

Hiruzen: Well... The anbu told me.  You were holding a girl's hand the other day. I don't really know who she is. But the way she wears her mask... Is really like you. That's what that anbu said.

Kakashi: is that so?

Hiruzen: what happened?

Kakashi: she's really shy. I think I overdid it... Now she won't even talk to me.

Hiruzen: I see... Apologise.

Kakashi: I did that.

Hiruzen: I see... I can't really help you. Gomen. I guess you have to try to see her and talk to her.

Kakashi: I used to know when she would return back on missions so I could go look for her. But now... I don't.

Hiruzen: who is she? Maybe I can do a little favour~

Kakashi: haha. Wouldn't that be asking you to abuse your power?

Hiruzen: well... It's ok since I'm the one send people out. Come on.

Kakashi: then... You have to promise me not to tell anyone. She's really really shy.

Hiruzen: ok ok. Who?

Kakashi: Nina.

Hiruzen: Nina?! The one with no last name?! That one?! Ha! It is right?

He blushes a little " hai.... That Nina. "

" I will help you. Let's see... " He flips through scrolls" there. " He takes out a scroll and applies chakra on the seal. The seal opens.

Hiruzen: Nina.

" Hai? " Nina's voice came through .

Hiruzen: how's the mission?

Nina: done. Returning to konoha. San daime.

Hiruzen: when?

Nina: if I rush, I can reach tonight. Is there something urgent?

Hiruzen: there is. Hurry up and return .

Nina: hai. I understand.

The seal closes.

Hiruzen smirks " there. A big help. "

Kakashi: thanks a lot San daime.

Hiruzen: now go prepare to talk to her.

She opens the door of her house with an exhausted face " ah... Tired... Sleep." 

Kakashi: gomen.

She looks up ".... Kakashi... "

Kakashi: gomen. Don't leave me. I can't stand it that you don't talk to me anymore. Your voice no longer comes through my head anymore. I miss you.

Nina: you can't keep infiltrating my house.

Kakashi: I made some soup for you.

Nina: arigato. But you should leave.

Kakashi: did you hear all the things I said to you?

Nina: .... I did.

Kakashi: why? Why break off with me like that?

Nina: I'm not normal.

" I don't need normal. " He stepped towards her. She took a step back.

Kakashi: I... I don't need normal. We can not go out on dates. We can stay at home like we always do.

Nina: people will ask.

Kakashi: I'm single. But I have a secret girlfriend I can't tell about. We have fun at home doing things she likes and I like. I never had any desire to go on a date. Nina. You wanted it. I'm satisfied with just staying at home. You teleport to my house via that seal you secretly placed behind my shoe cupboard and I teleport to yours by the seal you placed in your house.  I like this relationship.

Nina: you do?

Kakashi: I do.

Nina: .... Really? You'll have to be like that with me for... A long long long... Time...

He walked towards her and hugged her " I really do. You were the one who started to become greedy. You silly. Is your arm alright?" She nods " gomen..."

Kakashi: you'll talk to me again?

Nina: um. My fault.

Kakashi: alright then. Shall we do the things you like today?

Nina: you cooked seaweed miso soup?

Kakashi: um.

She hugs back with a smile " arigato. "

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