29: Naruto-nii

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The twins are now 3 years of age ...

Niashi: mama mama . I want to wear that mask you and papa wear too!!

Nanashi: me too!! Me too !!

Nina laughs " Niashi and nanashi doesn't have to wear the mask. Mama is just ... Uncomfortable with people knowing about her. But Niashi and nanashi are fine with it. So it's ok.  Just mama will wear it. "

Niashi: oh. Ok... Then I want to wear it. Then we can all be the same.

Niashi: me too!!

Nina smiled " ok ok. I'll help you two wear it."

They hold hands and walk in the streets ... Nina left them at the playground " Niashi. Nanashi. Stay here.  Mama has to go buy some things."

Niashi: mama can't bring us?

Nina: it's... Kind of private.

Niashi: ok!! Mama.

Nanashi: mama. Come back early.

" Um. " She strokes their hair. Then she flash steps.

Naruto had came back from his 3 year training. He finished battling against kakashi with Sakura yesterday as a test.

He was no strolling on the streets of konoha. That's when he sees the twins playing with each other alone away from the group at the playground. He was kind of curious so he went to them.

Naruto: hey.

Nanashi hid behind Niashi . Niashi looked to Naruto with cold eyes " who are you?"

Naruto: no... I don't come with bad intent.

Niashi: oh...

Naruto: you just remind me of someone.

Nanashi: who?

Naruto: me... Haha. And probably kakashi sensei. He wears a blue mask too.

Niashi: oh.

Nanashi: that's... Like papa...

Naruto: is that so? I'm Uzumaki Naruto. You two?

Niashi: I'm Niashi. She's nanashi.

Naruto: I see. Nice to meet you. Why are you guys not playing with the other kids?

Niashi: they don't ask us.

Naruto: don't you want to play with them?

Niashi: not really.

Nanashi hugs Niashi at the side " nee-chan... Enough. "

Naruto: you two are so cute.

Niashi: are you lonely. Play with us?

Naruto nods " um. Sure. "

Nina was purchasing some ninja tools. That's when tsunade-sama walked in " Nina."

Nina: tsunade-sama.

Tsunade: sorry for pulling you apart from your kids. And they're only three.

Nina: tsunade-sama....

Tsunade: I need you to do something for me. In the meantime, I'll make sure kakashi stays in konoha. So he'll take care of the kids.

Nina: hai. But what is it that I can do and kakashi cannot?

Tsunade: sooner or later, that Naruto will want to find Sasuke . Tenzou may be effective in controlling the kyuubi in naruto... But I'm a little worried. I want you to go along too.

Nina: hai.

Tsunade: in secret. And I've also given tenzou an alias. Yamato taichou.

Nina: hai.

It was late . All the kids had gone home.

Naruto: are your parents coming?

Niashi: mama never lies!!

Naruto: ok ok. I didn't say she lied. Maybe... She forgot...?

Nanashi hit Naruto on the chest " mama not bad!! You!! Bad!!"

Naruto: gomen. I said the wrong thing. I'll just wait longer with you ok?

Nanashi had fell asleep sitting beside Naruto onto his arm . He smiled in a little happiness not wanting to move afraid it would wake her up.

Niashi: gomen.

At this time Nina comes " gomen. Niashi. Oh... Nanashi is asleep. I had to go arrange and retrieve some things. So I was late. I'll cook your favourite boiled saury eggplant ok?"

Niashi: nanashi is asleep.

Nina : Naruto... Arigato.

Naruto: ale? How do you know my name?

Nina: anbu. I just know.

Naruto: I see.

Naruto sees the bags Nina was carrying " how about I carry nanashi back for you? " He notices Niashi yawns and rubs her eyes looking sleepy. " I can carry Niashi at the front and nanashi at the back."

Nina: I can do that.

Niashi: mama... Just say yes... You're carrying so many things...

Nina: I'll have to rely on you then.


Naruto puts them down on their respective beds .

Nina: thanks for helping.

Naruto: no. It's ok . I'm glad to.

Nina : want to take dinner with us?

Naruto: erm... Is it troubling?

Nina: no. I've to cook for my girls too anyway.

Naruto: I'll be disturbing then.
Nina lays the food on the table " we're ready for dinner. "

Naruto: oh. It looks good.

Nina: go ahead.

Naruto: aren't you going to call Niashi and nanashi up?

Nina; it's ok. Let them sleep. If they're hungry, they'll take biscuits from the coffee table. There are some fruit juice in their cups on the lower level in the fridge.

Naruto: I see... You teach them to be quite independent.

Nina: had to... I'm always away... I can only leave them at tsunade-sama's. They're really good girls, so tsunade-sama doesn't really mind.

Naruto: I see. Aren't you eating?

Nina: I'll eat later.

Naruto: oh... Ok.

Nina: Naruto... ... What do you think of my girls?

Naruto: they're really cute.

Nina: I see... Maybe you should come play with them when you have the time. They only play with each other. They don't go out of the house often because of me. They never really complain either... You should bring them out.

Naruto: is that ok?!

Nina: um. You'll be their first friend. Naruto-nii.

He smiled" arigato. "

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