26: She's Pregnant Again

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Kakashi  returns to the hokage office " tsunade-sama. I'm back. "

Tsunade: I see. I have something important to tell you.

Kakashi: hai?

Tsunade: it's about your wife. Nina. She's so quiet I often forget she's your wife.

Kakashi: ha ha... She likes to do that.

Tsunade: she's pregnant. Congratulations.

Kakashi: really?!

Tsunade: um. I'm putting her under protection in the hospital.

Kakashi: arigato.

Tsunade: and erm... I have assigned sakura to take care of her. You don't mind. Do you? I'm treating it as training for her.

Kakashi: I don't mind... But Nina...

Tsunade: eh. Don't care.

Kakashi: hey. Nina.

Nina was seating on the bed without a mask "oh. Kakashi. Tsunade-sama... Put me on ban for missions... I'm stuck here."

He walks over to her bedside and sits down " don't worry. You'll be fine."

Nina: I hope...

Kakashi: look. I'll try to stay in the village and not go for missions. If I really really have to go, I'll get gai to come.

Nina: but he's so loud... And he doesn't know we're married. If he knows... He would get so noisy about it... I don't want everyone want to know...

He strokes her hair " then... Kurenai?" She nods " ok... Gai. Is the last resort. If kurenai cannot make it... Can I request for asuma?"

Kakashi: you have a lot of requests.

Nina: gomen...

Kakashi: have you thought of a name?

Nina: no... I wanted you to choose one.

Kakashi: I'm not sure. I'll think about it. Ok?

Nina: um...

At this time, the door slides open and Sakura comes in " oh. Kakashi sensei."

Kakashi: Sakura. How's she?

Sakura: fine.

Kakashi: I see. Girl or boy?

Sakura: twins actually.

Kakashi: I see. That's good.

Sakura: kakashi sensei. You and Nina... Cousins? Siblings?

Kakashi: why?

Sakura: ...Her medical sheet says Hatake Nina. I never knew you had a relative or sibling. You never told us. Kakashi sensei.

Kakashi: no wonder people have been asking me the same question you did when I returned.

Sakura: they did?

Kakashi: um. Gets kind of annoying.

Nina: kakashi. Don't you have missions?

" Right. Bye. Rest well. Nina. " And he goes out through the window.

Sakura : eh?!! Kakashi sensei hasn't answered!! Nina-san... You and kakashi sensei~

Nina: are you here to check my blood pressure and all the regular checks?

Sakura: erm... Hai. You know a lot. Are you a medical ninja? Nina-san.

Nina: can you just call me Nina?

Sakura: oh... Ok. Nina.

Nina: I'm not a medical ninja. It's just that I worked in a team where there aren't medical ninjas. So in the end, someone had to had some little knowledge about healing. You know... In case. Somehow that ended up to be me.

Sakura: I see... But that still doesn't really explain...

Nina: I worked with someone to do a little research before. So I got to know...

Sakura: I see...

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