31: Mama Returns

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Naruto's kyuubi went berserk and yamato taichou couldn't control Naruto.

Nina deploys her chains to wrap around naruto's body . Some chains were deployed to stab into the ground from keeping Naruto from moving. She then stabs one chain through Naruto.

In there ...

She sees Naruto sunk under water. She looked to the cage where the Kyuubi was sealed behind. Where the seal was lose. She sighs " that jiraiya-sama... It's more loose than ever. "


Nina: that girl?

" The one who previously held me!!!"

Nina: kushina-san you mean? I learned her family jutsus . That all. Kurama.

Kyuubi's eyes widens . He smiles " you know my name?"

Nina: you went berserk. Forced minato-san and kushina-san to die. I had to know why you went berserk. Why bijuus go berserk if they're unsealed? Aren't they great weapons? Then why some can be tamed and some can't?

Kurama: I see. You're the curious type.

Nina: let Naruto go.

He laughed " it's not me. It's him. He was not careful. "

Nina: he's sunk. Let go of him. Let him float. Return him his conscious.

" Or what?" An orange hand came to grab onto her neck. She didn't even look fearful. She deployed her chain from her back and stabbed the hand , pinning it to the ground.

Kurama: what's your name?

Nina: I can't tell. Are you angry or curious?

Kurama: both.

Nina: Nina. Let go of him. Or I'll make this painful for you.

Kurama : then let's see what you can do.

She walked to the seal and turned tight the seal. Naruto floated to above surface. She looks to kurama. He's angry. He growls at her.

She looks back to Naruto and slaps him. Naruto wakes up immediately. She exits his conscious.

Naruto wakes up " what happened?"

Sakura: you don't remember anything?

Naruto: no...

Nina: I heard you asked for me

Naruto: hai. I saw someone just now. In my conscious I think... She slapped me. Couldn't really remember her face. But yamato taichou told me, you helped me.

Nina: it's my job.

Naruto: I see... Arigato.

Nina: I'm going off .

Naruto: wait!!

Nina: hai?

Naruto: .... You sound familiar.

Nina: .... I see.

Naruto: can I ask... What's your name?

Nina: ... .... Anbus don't give names.

Naruto: I see. Never mind then. Arigato.

Nina reaches home as the mission was over. The twins run to her " mama!!"

Nina: how's Niashi and nanashi? Were you two good girls?

Kakashi: very good girls.

Nina: really?

Kakashi winks at the twins . The twins laugh. Nina laughs a little " ok ok. Niashi and nanashi are good girls. Mama shall buy sweets later. Ok?"

" Yay!!!" The twins clap their hands.

Kakashi stood outside the showers in the toilet. He leans against the glass door of the showers " how's the mission?"

Nina: Naruto's kyuubi went berserk.

Kakashi: I see.

Nina: he's fine now.

Kakashi: did you get hurt?

She opens the glass door . He passes her the towel. She dries herself " no. " He takes her shirt " lift your hands up."

Nina: why?

Kakashi: to dress you up.

She laughs " I'm not Niashi or nanashi. " She takes her shirt and wears it over. She then walks out of the showers to take her panties and pants to wear it. " See! I can wear myself. "

Kakashi: hai hai. You're awesome.

Nina: how's it with Niashi and nanashi?

Kakashi: they're cute. I feel kind of bad that I don't really spend time with them.

Nina: they ask about that too you know.

Kakashi: they do...?

Nina: why does papa always have to go? I want papa to play with us. Can't papa have lesser missions like mama?

Kakashi sighs.

Nina: I tell them, papa is very busy. Helping out the village. Papa is an important person. That's why.

Kakashi: arigato.

Nina: they're not satisfied with that answer. Papa. So... Let's go out on a family picnic. How's that?

He nods " um. That is a good idea. "

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