34: Return To Being A Mama

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Nina: kakashi.

Kakashi turned around " Nina." She jumped down from the tree branch to his front .

Sakura: nina-san.

Naruto: Nina-san?

Nina: are you guys returning to konoha?

Kakashi: we are. Are you coming?

Nina: who's taking care of Niashi and nanashi?

Sakura: I left them with my parents.

Nina: I see.

Nanashi: when will papa and mama coming back?

Niashi: they will come back.

Nanashi: really?

Niashi: um. Mama promised.


Nina : you two. Stay at gai-nii's for a while. Ok? *Pats the twins' heads*

Niashi: first time mama does that. Is mama ok?

Nanashi: mama go for very long?

Nina: be good girls ok. Tsunade-sama is sick. Can't take care of you girls. Kurenai-nee is busy so no playing with her. Just bear with gai-nii. Ok?

" Ok." They reply.

Nina: I promise me to return.

End of flashback~

She stands in front of a hold that was being dug by the rabbits she summoned. She then summons the body into the hole. She then tells the rabbits to cover the hole. She then drags the stone she cut up earlier and placed it by the grave.

She starts craving his name... Uchiha Itachi

Kakashi: Nina.

She ignored him.

Kakashi: daijobu?

Nina: taichou is dead. I have to do this. Then I can go back to being Niashi and nanashi's mother.

Kakashi: Nina... You loved him before. Didn't you?

Nina: ...um. That was before we became friends. I didn't know that was love. I only knew I kind of liked him. Cos he was so nice to me. How did you know?

Kakashi: because I remember the eyes you had for him before we were friends. I was quite surprised when I heard sensei say that you didn't have anyone.

Nina: I don't. I watch people from afar. That's why I'm anbu.

Kakashi sat down behind her a bit distance away from her " now I think about it... I guess you did attract me then. That's why I paid attention to that detail.

She stops carving and looks to the ground thinking " that time? You came to our division to ask if you could borrow me again."

He nods " um. I guess I was a little bit worried Itachi wouldn't borrow you to me. " She grips up the kunai again " I see..." She turns around " how do you draw the Uchiha emblem again?"

He goes forward to take her kunai and carved it to the stone " like this. "

Nina: oh.

Kakashi: gomen. He's gone now.

Nina: I... I met Sasuke. I have taichou's eyes to him. Did you get hurt? Fighting Sasuke.

Kakashi: you saw everything?

Nina: um. Even Sasuke killing danzou. It was... Gratifying. Danzou did try to kill me. But Sasuke kept him occupied.

Kakashi: I see.

Nina: that's all I've to report.

Kakashi: Nina...

Nina takes a breath in... " Tsunade-sama is in a coma. Danzou is dead. You're probably the next hokage. "

Kakashi: you don't want me to be the hokage?

Nina: you should. No one else is more suitable. If anything that's not suitable... It's me. And the children. We could disappear if you want.

" Why would you say such a thing?!" He grabbed onto her shoulder , and hugged her " don't go!!"

Nina: I'll give you trouble. I've... Suspicious and doubtful connections with my taichou.

Kakashi:just because he was once your taichou doesn't mean anything!!

Nina: I was caught by him before.

Kakashi: you didn't have a choice!!  Stay with me. What happened?

Nina: I don't know... they might ask questions. They did. Why wasn't I affected by the genjitsu then when taichou and kisame came to konoha. I'm your wife... They might raise more questions. But ... Konoha needs you... I'm in your way.

He cups her cheek " don't go. You told me already. You made a promise. You're a loyal person."

Nina: but... Only you believe me. You really believe me?

He looked into her eyes " I believe you. " He kisses her lips.

The door opens. The twins run towards Nina " mama!!!"

Nina: I'm back. Gomene. It took so long.

" It's ok!!" The twins say. She hugs them in her arms " gomene..." Her tears flowed.

" Mama..." The twins say as they dry her tears that flowed down her eyes on both sides. She forces a smile " mama is ok. "

Niashi: really?

Nanashi gives Nina a kiss " mama. No sad. " She nods " um. No sad. " Niashi hugs Nina " Niashi is here. "

Nina: um. Um.

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