38: Bullied

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Kakashi became the Roku daime ( sixth generation ) . His kids went to school.

Kakashi yawns " tadaima. " He realised his kids didn't come out and call him. " Nina. What happened to the kids?"

Nina: ... Kakashi. They cried to themselves to sleep tonight.

Kakashi: what happened? Are they ok?

Nina: I told them I would deal with it. So they went to sleep with lesser tears. Their classmates laughed at them saying that they were lying saying that their father is the hokage, Roku daime. That they pretended that the hokage is their father because they never saw me with a husband.

Kakashi: what?!!

Nina: calm down. You're the Roku daime. You can't just do whatever you want just cos you're angry.

Kakashi takes a breath in " hai hai. I'm not so relaxed as you. You got to escape duties as a ninja because you're someone's wife. "

" Hehe. " She gives a kiss to his cheek " hai hai. I'm the luckiest. "


Kakashi: Niashi. Nanashi.

" Papa!!" The twins run to his side.

" you have time to come pick us up?" Niashi asks.

Kakashi: um.

Nina comes over " gomen. I'm late. I was buying groceries for miso soup. Tonight I'll try a eggplant miso soup!"

Nanashi: yay !!

Nina: are you coming home to eat?

Kakashi: not sure. Is it possible for a bento to be sent?

" I'll go!!" The twins say. " Alright. I'll go home and cook. Remember to bring them for lunch. " Nina leaves.

Kakashi: deh. Who's the one who said you didn't have a papa?

Niashi looked to Kiran's direction. Most of the classmates hide behind Kiran. Kakashi walked towards him " Yuzuoka Kiran. Nah?"

Kiran: ha... Hai. Roku daime .

Kakashi pats onto his head looking to his eyes with a black face. Kiran shivers " go... Gomenasai!! Roku daime. I didn't mean it!! Please forgive me!! " Kakashi then smiles " kakashi-san is fine. "

Kiran: ha...hai.

Kakashi: let's go. Have lunch . I'll treat your entire class. Niashi. Nanashi.

Nanashi hides behind kakashi " don't want... I want to go home..." Kakashi squats down to her level and strokes her hair " it's ok. "

Niashi: papa will protect us!!

Kakashi: um. I will.

Kiran: it's ok. Kakashi-san.

" Yea. It's ok. " The rest follows.

Kakashi: no no. I have to. You guys are my darlings' classmates. I want all of you to be friends. Let's go. Lunch.

Kiran: it's really...

" No. You have to come. Don't worry. I won't do anything bad to you. I'm the Roku daime. If you guys don't come... Maybe I should ask your teacher to add extra homework~ " kakashi interrupted.

Kiran: hai. We'll go.

" We'll go. "

Kakashi: what do you two want to eat?

Niashi: tonkatsu ramen!!

Kakashi: how about nanashi?

Nanashi flips between two pages. She bites her thumbnail as she flips.

Kakashi: you can have one more dish if you want.

Niashi: I want one more dish too!!

Kakashi: hai hai.

Nanashi: it's ok? Have one more.

Kakashi: sure.

Nanashi: can we order one more? For mama.

Kakashi: um. Sure. Why not we choose one more dish for mama?

Niashi: I'll choose the dish !!

Kakashi : ok. Then nanashi chooses the ramen.

Nanashi: papa choose. I don't know what mama likes.

Kakashi: um. Ok.


Kakashi: everyone done with lunch?

" Hai. Thanks for the food." Everyone replies.

Kakashi: I don't know why bullying is fun for you people. There are people whose parents died during action. They're orphans. If that's sad, then why is it funny to make fun of people who only have one single parent?

" Gomenasai. "

Kakashi: you started this. I want to listen to the reason you did it.

Kiran: gomenasai. I know I'm wrong now.

Kakashi: I want to hear the reason.

Kiran: ..... Gomenasai.

Kakashi: you must have a reason.

Kiran: my mama... Said that Niashi and nanashi doesn't have a father. Said that nina-san's husband... Meaning... Roku daime... Married nina-san later.

Kakashi : ...  -_-'''''' Being hokage is hard. Even if that's true, you guys shouldn't make fun of others. Understand?

" hai ..."

Kakashi: Niashi and nanashi are my children. This is true. I'm their real father. No more gossips. Understood?

" Hai... "

Kakashi: tell your mother not to spread weird assumption of gossips. Understand?

Kiran: hai.

Kakashi sighs " alright. Disperse. Go home. "

" Hai." And everyone returns home.

Kakashi: I'll send the two of you home.

Niashi hugs kakashi " arigato papa. For coming. "

Nanashi: arigato. Papa.

He smiles " let's go. Mama is cooking dinner at home. I'll get my bento from her as well~ I wonder if it's nice~ eggplant miso~ "

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