15: Do You Want...?

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Hiruzen: congratulations!

Kakashi: huh?

Hiruzen: right. You don't know it yet. You should go to Nina's home right away.

Kakashi: ok...

Hiruzen: oh. One more thing. If it's possible, help me to convince her to become a jounin.

Kakashi: San daime... You know that's hard.

Hiruzen: help me.

Kakashi; ha ha... I can only try.

He goes back home and puts down his things. He then teleports to her house. " Nina. Nina?" He goes into her room and finds her sleeping.

He goes to her bedside and kisses her in the hair " I'm back. " She opens her eyes " oh... Kakashi. "

Kakashi: Nina.

Nina: oh... Do you want something to eat?

Kakashi: well... It's ok. You seem really tired.

" Right..." She sits up " kakashi... I... I have a reason being like this. "

Kakashi: what reason?

Nina: .... Kakashi. ... ...mmm...

" What is it?" He strokes her hair.

Nina: I... I'm pregnant... Do you want to be the father of the baby?

His eyes widens in happiness " hai. Hai!!!" He hugs her " are you ok?"

Nina: um.

Kakashi: Nina. Do you want to be my wife?

Nina: hai. Hai. Onegaishimasu. ( Please )

He smiled " arigato. For telling me. "

Nina: I had to.

He hugged her once again " arigato. "

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