44: Five Days Left

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Suigetsu helps Nina to get dressed " is it even that important? He doesn't mind you in any form anyway. I mean you have kids with him. He has seen you naked. "

Nina: I just feel like dressing up today.

Suigetsu: don't understand. I just don't understand.

Nina: then get a girlfriend.

Suigetsu: no way! They seem so troublesome and a pain in the ass. Following you everywhere. Seeing Karin and Sasuke last time just gives the creeps.

Nina laughs and coughs a little " Karin is obsessed. That's different. What kind of girls do you like? Suigetsu finishes, zipping up the dress at the back " done. I don't know..." He helps her to a seat.

Nina: you must have some kind of idea.

Suigetsu: well... Kind. Accepts me. I don't know... *Blush*

Nina: you have someone!

Suigetsu: maybe...

Nina: gambatte!!

Suigetsu: um... tsk. Where's that idiot? I told him to come on time and not make you wait.

Nina: maa... He's like that. He's famous for being late.

Kakashi came in " gomen . I... Nina. You're out of the tank. You're ok already?"

Suigetsu: I told you not to be late!!!

"gomen gomen. I got caught up talking to Naruto. " He said apologetically "So... You're ok?!!" He asks with a hint of hope.

" No. " She smiled. But not with that kind of happiness. A mild calm one, like she was going to be ok with everything " there's no hope for me. "

Kakashi: what...

Suigetsu: she's going to die. Orochimaru did make a cure, but it's not going to be in time to prevent her from dying.

Kakashi held onto her hand " what do you mean?!"

Orochimaru walks in " I tried my best. But like I said, she's at her last stage. If I were to try to heal her, the only way is to renew all her cells. Technically, giving her a new entire body. Kill all of her previous cells and make new ones. But that process is painful and long. That process itself may kill the subject anytime. But in her condition, there's little chance of her surviving. "

Kakashi looks to her. He squeezes her hand " is there no other way?! "

Orochimaru: there is . You take over someone else's body, effectively killing that someone else. You want to try that? I'm sure it will succeed. I used it on myself once

Nina smiled " it's ok. I've lived long enough. " Kakashi hugged her " how can you say that... I want you to live longer. With me. "

Suigetsu sighs " she has about five days left. "

Orochimaru: the drug accelerated faster than we thought. I'm sorry. But... Take this. So the drug will at least slow down at some speed to make sure she can live exactly five days.

" I see... " He squats down so she could look down on him rather than look up. " What do you want to do now?"

Nina: dangos .

" Sure. " He carried her on his back " we'll do anything and everything you want. " He takes the medicine orochimaru gives " thank you for everything. "

Orochimaru: no. It was interesting.

Nina: gomen. About your promise.

Orochimaru: it's ok. It was interesting having you around.

Kakashi: what did you guys talk about?

Orochimaru: shared some discussion of my experiments and stuff like that.

Nina: let's go.

Kakashi: um.

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