35: Premonition Of

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Ninja world war 4 ....

Gai: you must be missing your kids. And Nina~~

Kakashi: could you not talk so loud?

" Kakashi-san. You have kids?"

Kakashi sighs " you ask too much." He walks aside and communicates to Nina through the seal " Nina. "

Nina: oh. Kakashi. How's things there?

Kakashi: as usual. How about you?

Nina: same. Gomen. I couldn't be by your side.

Kakashi: don't be like that. I'm the one who asked your platoon to go there.

Nina: I don't like... Being platoon leader. So many things to think for...

Kakashi laughs " tsunade-sama gave you this job because you could do it. "

Nina: that's why I didn't want to be like you. A jounin.

Kakashi: you didn't become one anyway.

Nina: I miss them.

Kakashi: me too.

Nina: stay alive ok.

Kakashi: um. You too. You know, I heard people praising you.

Nina: praising me?

Kakashi: um. It's so great that there's Nina. She made it so much easier to deal with those Edo tensei. She can fight them herself and seal them herself.

Nina laughs a little " you're exaggerating it. "

Kakashi: I'm not.

Nina: anyway. I'm not that good. I don't want people to think I am either.

Kakashi: no way that can be hidden anymore.

Nina: shut up!! It's all tsunade-sama's fault... Choose me...

Kakashi: I did ask tsunade-sama to choose someone else. I know you... you like low profile. Plus~ I did want you by my side. But she said, that you were chosen by the kages. It wasn't a personal choice.

Nina: I'm just an anbu. What are you talking about.

Kakashi: it's true. You're the anbu who doesn't want to become a jounin. All the kages know that.

Nina: you made that up.

Kakashi: it's true!!

Nina: I'm just an anbu division leader. It's the maximum I wanted to bear. Stupid tsunade-sama. If she didn't force me to take on the other two divisions, the other kages wouldn't even think that of me. I told her to find someone to assume the positions already!!

Kakashi: you know tsunade-sama. She's a slave driver. Plus she wanted to test your skills and force you to be a jounin after that.

Nina: hmph. I rejected anyway.

Kakashi: you... You make her job hard.

Nina: then too bad. Hmph. .... I miss you.

Kakashi: me too.

She wakes up panting...

Yonoshi, her prior anbu teammate woke up " Nina. Daijobu?"

Nina: .... Um. I just had a nightmare.

Yonoshi: that's rare. What nightmare?

Nina: a nightmare I had when I was young. It was over when I ended it. Over when jiraiya-sama picked me up and brought me to konoha.


Jiraiya : daijobu?

She was holding onto a kunai with bloody splatters all over her clothes and skin " um. "

Jiraiya: how about you? Aren't you going back to your parents?

Nina: I've no parents. They died.

Jiraiya: oh... How about relatives? Other family.

Nina: none. I killed them. Just now. Before your eyes.

Jiraiya: oh. I see.

She dropped her kunai " I've no home. Nowhere to go..." She looked to him " what now...?"

Jiraiya: how about following me back to konoha?

Nina: konoha?

Jiraiya: it's my home.

Nina: you'll be my family?

Jiraiya: I can't. But in that village, you probably can find friends and even make your own family.

Nina: make... Own family...? Ok.

End of flashback~

Nina: it's ok. Go back to sleep.

Yonoshi : ok then...

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