46: Day Two

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He wakes up...  " Nina?!" He rushed to the kitchen and gave a breath of relief. She was making pancakes .

Kakashi: in such a good mood?

Nina: um. Feel like I can walk a lot a lot more today. Maybe it's just adrenaline. Feel like I can go anywhere and do anything!

" good for you." He takes a bacon and eats it.

Nina: no pinch eating!!

Kakashi: too bad. I digested it.

Nina: hmph!! You owe me ramen now.

Kakashi laughed a little "what? A bacon for a ramen? That's unfair. "

Nina: I don't care!!

" hai hai. " He hugs her from behind. " Anywhere you want to go today?"

Nina: don't know... But I know you owe me ramen~~

Kakashi: meanie.

Nina dusts off and cleaned the weeds of Itachi's tomb " there. Gomene. I haven't been visiting. I was too busy with my life."

Kakashi: he wouldn't blame you. You were happy. With me.

Nina: kakashi. Where would you bury me after I die?

He stroked her hair till its ends " would you mind sharing a coffin with me? "

Nina: mind.

Kakashi: eh?! Why?

Nina: I don't want my body to be stolen for any weird purposes. Burn me. I don't mind anything you do after that. Ah! No putting my urn in the house and paying respects for it.

Kakashi laughed " you're weird. "

Nina: I'm not!! I don't want to be paid respects to. It's stupid.

Kakashi: can I at least keep a photo of you by my bedside?

Nina: of course you can!!

Kakashi: alright. Say your last goodbyes to your taichou.

Nina: bye bye.

Nina: more charsiew please!

" Oh. Sure."

Kakashi: greedy.

That's when shikamaru walked in with someone on the wheelchair.

Shikamaru: I know I shouldn't disturb you both... But... There's someone who really wants to meet you.

The person on the wheelchair comes forward " Nina. Remember me?"

Nina: who are you?

" I'm your cousin. The sickly one. I've came to apologise. I'm Kazuha Rikio. "

Her face darkens " what a spoil of my appetite." She leaves the store. " Gomen... " Kakashi chased after her.

Nina: I didn't want to know my last name my entire life. I just can't die without knowing it huh...

Kakashi: he came to apologise.

Nina: I know it's not his fault. I don't really care whether if he apologise or not. I just wanted to be happy. Think that I only have one family. Our family...

He hugs her " it hasn't changed. Hatake is still your only family name. Your only family. You're just never were a Kazuha. "

Nina: I can do that?

He cups her cheek " um. "

Rikio comes over " gomen. My father finally died. I had apologised and tried to compensate all the people my father had harmed. Is there anything I can do for you?"

" I'm not a Kazuha. I don't want my name in the family registers." And she left.

Kakashi: it's not like she really hates you. Rather... She hates your father so much , she hates the name. That name, gives her nightmares. Do her a favour , will you?

Rikio: ... I see. I will. And... I'm sorry my father did this to her.

Kakashi: I think it's time for you to leave.

Nina: kakashi. Can we take a family photo?

Kakashi: tomorrow?

Nina: on the last day.

He forced a smile " um. Anything for you. I'll go book tomorrow. "

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