43: Approaching Death

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*Knock knock *

Sakura : kakashi sensei.

Kakashi: Sakura. There's something I need your help with.

Sakura: what is it?

Kakashi: it's about my wife. Nina. She has been down a fever for two days. It doesn't go down even though she has eaten medicine. Today's the third day. I was thinking if it's possible for you to take a look at her.

Sakura: sure.

Sakura: this is not good. We need to admit her into the hospital.

Nina: I... I don't need the hospital.

Kakashi: Nina. You're in a bad shape. You need to listen to Sakura .

Nina: call... Orochimaru. Send me... To him.

Sakura: orochimaru?

Orochimaru: oh ho. Didn't think we would meet again. Like this.

Nina was in a water tank. She opens her eyes " well... I guess this is kind of fate. " He laughed " fate... I didn't think you believed this kind of thing. "

Kakashi walked in " what's wrong with her?"

Orochimaru: don't be like that. I'm not going to do anything bad to her. I know you're worried, but I'm not going to do weird stuff to her.

Nina: is that a promise you're making?

Orochimaru: a promise I made to your hokage. Then again, I have no interest in you. If I can heal you, I would like you to do something.

Nina: what?

Orochimaru: if I die earlier than you. Bury me.

Nina: didn't you make yourself a son to do that?

Orochimaru: that... Was an interest I made and invested. Who knows what he thinks. But I know you'll keep your promise. After all, you went against konoha's intention to go collect an akatsuki's body.

Nina: sighs. This is why I hate expectations. But again... It's been long since someone placed an expectation like that in me ...

Kakashi: I didn't expect you to be that kind of person. Orochimaru. To want people to bury you.

Orochimaru: I'm also... A human .

Nina: if you can prevent me from dying that is.

Kakashi: don't say that kind of thing. Nina. You'll be fine.

Nina: you haven't told him?

Orochimaru: she might die.

Kakashi: what?!

Orochimaru: I brought her fever down but it's not like she's fine.

Kakashi: you didn't tell me any of this!! Nina!!

Nina: I kept it a secret from you. Only tsunade-sama and shizune knows. After she retired as hokage , I stopped going to check-ups.

Kakashi: what did you keep from me? It couldn't be ...

Nina: um. I told you before right? My past. I was an experiment. Simply put... I'm a defective product that managed to survive till now. Ha... Arigato. For marrying me. For having a family with me.

" Nina... " He touches to the glass. " Why didn't you say anything?" His tears fell " I would have still married you anyway. "

Nina: you would have unnecessary worries.

Orochimaru: but I must say. You should have died at least after five months without the continued use of the drug. Seems like your body built up a resistance and allowed you to stay alive till now. I guess that tsunade is quite capable.

Kakashi: you can heal her right? Orochimaru.

Orochimaru: don't know. True, it's a regeneration drug. I've used it on myself too. But the concentration used to make it is all wrong. Whoever did the experiment sure didn't really know what they were doing. It's like a trial and error thing.  Stupid really.

Kakashi: Is. There. A. Way . To heal her?

Orochimaru: she's at her last stage. I can only try.

Nanashi: where's mama? It's been two days.

Niashi: not home. Rare of her to leave on a mission without saying anything.

Kakashi returned " hey. "

Niashi: where's mama?

Kakashi: she erm... Got sick.

Nanashi: is she ok? Where did she go? Hospital?

Niashi: which room? We'll go visit her.

Kakashi: she... Erm... Left on a mission. She told me.

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