28: Gai Finally Knows

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A/N ; so sorry for the mix up. HAHAHAHA... Author-chan totally forgot she wrote twins. She changed it back already. Thanks for reading!! Hope you guys enjoyed!! Why does this sound like some ending note... ITS NOT.

Nina: Niashi! Nanashi! Go wash your hands. It's almost time for lunch!

They go to the kitchen and climbs up to the chairs that had steps. They got to the sink and Nina switches on the tap. The two washes their hands. Niashi sprinkles water onto Nanashi " ha! " Nanashi sprinkles back. They both laugh.

At this time, the door bell rings. The twins look to the door. Nina switches off the tap and goes to the door " oh... Gai... "

Gai: hey! I haven't seen you in missions for a while. I got a little worried... Can I come in?

" Erm..." She hesitates.

Gai: I heard... You have kids now.

She opens the door " ok... Don't make a fuss about it." She lets him in. The twins hide behind Nina.

Gai: so it's true...

Nina: the one with blue eyes is Niashi. The one with green eyes is nanashi. You two, go play.

They go to their toys and ignores gai.

They go to their toys and ignores gai

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Gai sits on the couch " I see. So you can't do missions for a while."

Nina: um. Oolong?

Gai: arigato.

Nina sits beside gai " I'm fine. "

Gai: I know you moved in with kakashi to pay lower rent. But... Is kakashi ok with this? Having two kids in the house. I mean... He's kind of busy .

Nina: kakashi loves them.

Gai: I see. Maybe I should drop by sometime too. Bring gifts. Teach them some ninjitsu.

Nina: no thanks. You have your own students. I don't want my children end up wearing green tights like you.

Gai: they're comfortable!!

Nina: don't want.

At this time, the door opens and kakashi returns. " Oh... Gai."

Gai: hey !! Kakashi!!

" Papa !!" The twins run to kakashi and hugs him at his legs. Kakashi squats down and hugs them " hi. Niashi. Nanashi. Tadaima. "

" okaeri." The twins say back. Kakashi takes out two bear plushies " here you go. " They each take one and hugs it. They smile and kiss him on each side of the cheek " arigato." They then run to Nina " mama!!" They show her the plushies.

Nina: um. So cute. Like you two! Alright. Go play.

They run off back to their toys.

Gai: kakashi... So these two kids...

He smiles " um. Mine and Nina's. "

Gai: kakashi. I didn't expect you're that kind of guy. So... It was a... One time thing?

Kakashi laughed. He walked to Nina's side and cupped her shoulder in " we're married. She's my wife."

Gai: eh?!!! And you didn't even invite me?!!!

Kakashi: we never really invited anybody... Except for San daime... He's the hokage so...

Gai : x_x llll and I thought I'm the best friend of you, Nina. And the best rival of you, kakashi. I actually don't know anything!!

Nina: well... Now you know... You're not allowed to say.

Gai: eh...

Nina: low profile.

Gai sighs " alright then. But still..." He hugs the both of them " congratulations!!"

Nina: arigato.

Kakashi: gai. A few drinks?

Gai: oh!! Good idea!! But... Nina... Is that ok?

Nina: um. Go ahead. Niashi. Nanashi. Say goodbye to uncle gai.

Gai: uncle... x_x I'm not that old yet!!! I'm still young!!

" Bye bye." The twins say.

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