18: Missing You

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They stayed a few days to wait till the bridge was done building.  The reinforcements hokage sent had also came.

Naruto: uhno. Nina sensei. Don't you want to take off your mask when eating dinner?

Nina: I didn't teach you anything. Don't call me that.

Naruto: oh... How about Nina senpai?

Nina: feels old.

Naruto: that's kind of troublesome. Nina senpai.

Nina takes her food " I'm going out to eat. " And she leaves.

Sakura: look what you did?!!!


Kakashi: no. She's just shy.

Sasuke: didn't seem like that type earlier. When she was in combat .

Kakashi: she's like that.

Naruto: neh. Kakashi sensei. You know so much about her. Could it be? She's your... Girlfriend ~ ?

Sakura: is she?

Kakashi: nope. You guys think too much.

Kakashi: come in and sleep in the house.

Nina: um. I'll sleep with the others.

Kakashi: ah~ so frustrating. I'm here with you yet I can't be so close to you.

Nina: gomen.

Kakashi: it's ok .

Nina: thank you for not telling them who I am.

Kakashi: I did tell.

Nina: eh?!!! You promised at our wedding you would never tell people without my permission that I'm your wife!!

He laughed " I told them you're Nina. No last name. Anbu taichou. A very good friend. But not girlfriend. I'm not exactly lying. " She hits him at the chest " kakashi!! " He laughed then cupped her cheek " I miss teasing you. I want to get home so bad... I want to see your face. "

Nina: hehe. Me too.

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