32: Family Picnic

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Niashi: I wanna help making sandwiches too!!

Nanashi: me too!!

They climb up to their chairs and stood on the chairs.

Nina: oh. Ok.

She went to the drawer to take out two butter knives. She passed it to them " nanashi and Niashi can make their own sandwiches. Don't make too many. Later you can't finish, then I've to finish it for you again. "

Nanashi: I want to make one for papa.

Niashi: me too!!

Nina: eh~ then how about mama?

Niashi: I'll make one too!!

Nanashi: me too...

Kakashi walks out of the bedroom " how are you guys? "

Niashi: I and nanashi have surprises for papa and mama!!

Kakashi: is that so? I'll be looking forward to it then.

Niashi: tada! My sandwich. One for papa. One for mama.

Nanashi: me too!! Try it. Try it.

Kakashi takes nanashi's sandwich . " I shall take this one. " Nina takes naishi's sandwich. They take a bite " um!"

Niashi: nice?!

Nanashi: um?! Um?!

Kakashi: it's so yummy!

Nina: I agree!

" Yay!!" The twins cheered.
Nina: you two go ahead and play with papa. I'm a little tired.

Nanashi: mama rest well.

Niashi: um!! We'll come back for mama. Promise!

Nina: ok.

" Papa!!" The twins fall into his lap " you're so easy to catch!!" He was sitting against a trip.

Kakashi: eh~ and it took me quite some time to find this hiding spot.

" hahaha..." The twins laugh.

Niashi: papa suck at this game.

Nanashi: papa should find a bigger tree!!

Niashi: or a bigger rock!!

Kakashi: eh!! But where can I find such a big tree of big rock? Maybe I should slim down. To maybe Niashi or nanashi's size.

The twins laugh again together.

Niashi: how's that possible?

Nanashi: exactly!

At this time, Naruto was passing by.

" Naruto-nii !!" The twins call out. Naruto walks over " oh. Niashi. Nanashi. Long time no see. "

Niashi: play with us!

Nanashi: papa sucks at the game. Play with us!! You can help papa.

The twins turn around " ale? Papa?" They look around the tree. No kakashi. Instead a dog, pakkun jumped onto Niashi " yo. "

Niashi: pakkun!!

Nanashi: where's papa?

Pakkun: went to spend time with your mama. Told me to take care of you girls while you play with Naruto. Yo.

Naruto: yo. Long time no see. So? What were you two playing?

" Hide and seek " the twins say.

He spots her sleeping on the mat. He goes to her side and lie behind her. He hugs her in. She opens her eyes and turns around " you're back. Where's Niashi and nanashi?"

Kakashi: they met Naruto. They're playing together now.

Nina: you threw your playing duty to your student. You bad papa. Bad sensei.

Kakashi: they say I'm a bad player. So I'm back here with my wife. That's better isn't it?

She laughed a little " running away from responsibilities"

Kakashi: gomene. I left them to you. Never really asked how they are.

Nina: it's not like they missed they're entire childhood without you. They're still young. Just remember to buy gifts for them whenever you go on missions when you can. I'm sure they'll be happy.

" Um. " He hugs her in " how about you? Do you want one?"

Nina: if you can find one.

Kakashi: hai hai. Orders received.

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