(3) Problem

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Mitsuko POV

The day I went into that forest and saw that man I was so curious and satisfied but now...not so much.

I got multiple red itchy rashes and I quickly learnt why there was a path in that forest, they were trying to make sure no one got poison ivy.

I shouldn't have gone into that forest because supposedly there was a lot of poison ivy in it. If I would've known I wouldn't have picked those rare herbs.

After it happened I suddenly started getting itchy but I didn't know what was happening. Grandma scolded me when she found out.

I have to stay in bed now and I'm not allowed to get up. So here I am lying in bed staring at the ceiling with a frown on my face. It's early morning and everybody's asleep, well, everybody except me and I'm bored out of my mind. The only thing that's been lingering in my mind is that man and the thought of the shinobi. I've been thinking about it for the longest time now and I wonder if I'll see him again. The symbol on the back of his clothes is stuck in my mind and his black long hair is something I can't seem to forget.

I sighed as I turned in bed and groaned. I couldn't go back to sleep. I'd always been an active morning person. I've always enjoyed waking up early so the fact I had to rest up was annoying me. 

 I slowly got up and looked out of my window at the dark sky. I wanted to go outside  sobadly and the thought of going outside made me want to go even more. I tapped my chin slowly. Perhaps I could go outside if I escaped quietly and got back before anyone woke up. I smiled and got up slowly and stretched. I had to be super quiet if this was to work. 

I tiptoed slowly as I passed my father's and sister's room. I was almost at the front door when I stubbed my toe on a corner.

"OW!" I yelled but then quickly covered my mouth.

 I mentally slapped myself before sprinting to the front door and closing it gently behind me. I took deep breaths in and out as I gasped for air.

 I had made it.

The wind was blowing heavily and no one was outside. I wasn't exactly dressed well but seeing as no one was here to judge me I didn't care. It was too early to go to the garden but I didn't want to just stay here right in front of my house where my father could spot me. I looked around before deciding to take a walk.

I walked through the dark roads as I made my way towards the outside of the village. I walked closer towards it and when I got there it was just like I expected. Grandma's cottage had no lights on and there was no one to catch me.

I looked ahead at the forest in front of me and I smiled. I immediately headed inside it this time staying on the dirt road. I had no intention of getting more rashes. 

I ran towards the stream as I looked at the rushing water it was just like last time and it calmed me down. It was quite pretty but it wasn't as beautiful as the lake that was further down the stream. I looked up at the sky to see it was starting to get brighter. I didn't have much time but it was possible that I could make it to the lake and still have enough time to get home. 

I began to walk beside the stream as I watched it turned into a river and then a lake. It was beautiful just like last time and this time I got to touch the water. It was cold and my hands enjoyed the contact with it. I stayed there in perfect silence for some time until I heard a shuffling noise come from behind me.

I looked behind me but saw nothing. Was the sound my imagination?

Madara POV

I blinked as I stared down at her from a tree. She was here yet again, wasn't she? I didn't understand how she had come here in the first place but she seemed to have taken a liking to this place just as I had. Unfortunately, I had no intention of sharing. I had found this place a long time ago and I was not going to find it as peaceful if someone else was here.

I looked down at the girl as I saw her reach her hand and put it in the water. She seemed naïve and innocent. I decided to just watch her for now in silence and I slowly reclined on the tree more which made a shuffling noise.

Her head immediately looked back but she didn't even bother to look up. She stood up slowly and looked around.

I observed her slim delicate figure and I knew at once she was not shinobi.

"Is anyone there?" she said her voice gentle.

My lips were sealed. I wasn't going to say anything.

She shrugged and went back to staring at the river. I was about to approach her but suddenly she got up by herself and left. I stared at her as I watched her leave quickly. I jumped down from the tree. Next time...next time I would tell her to stop coming here.

There was no doubt in mind that she'd back.


Chapter 3| Problem




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