(33) Angry

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Mitsuko POV

I laid there on the bed with a frown on my face. Had I really slept off?

I gave a sigh before turning my head and I saw Madara's face.

He was sleeping it seemed.

I could feel my heart beating and I gulped before reaching out to touch his cheek.

It was cold.

I leaned in closer to him and looked at him with sad eyes.

I wanted him to go back to being calm and gentle. Yes, it was true I'd rather be with him then be with Tobirama, that was a fact. I would dump Tobirama any day to come running into Madara's arms but I wanted him to be nice to me.

I still didn't understand why he had made me come here.

When I asked him he refused to tell me.

Maybe I would be able to see it his way. After all, I never thought of Madara as a mean person just a little bit more closed off than others.

I thought I knew perhaps. Love? If that was a reason I just wanted him to admit it to me.

I reached out to cup his cheeks and when I did his eyes snapped open.

I stiffened and quickly removed my hands and was about to get up away from him when he spoke.

"Mitsuko, we need to talk," he said.

I looked back at him, "What is there to talk about?"

He looked at me, "I'm planning something rather big and you'll constantly be in danger."

I blinked, "And?"

He sighed, "You need to start learning about shinobi. If you get captured they can extract information from you."

I blinked twice, "So you're more concerned about me being interrogated than you are about my well being."

His eyes narrowed, "Mitsuko, don't start this with me," his voice got an octave lower.

Madara POV

She looked at me with a bitter look.

"I'm angry right now," she said.

"I'm angry that my family is gone. I'm angry that you framed my death and I'm angry that I never got to deal with this side of you."

I laid there silently.

Was she confessing her emotions to me?

She looked at me and then back down and she was about to turn around when I grabbed her waist and leaned closer to her, "I'll tell you why I did this later," I said.

There was a silence.

She gave a quiet okay before slowly wrapping her arms around me,"I'm still angry," she said,"but I'll stay here with you or the time being."

I nodded before wrapping my arms around her and watching her lie on me in silence.

Once she had fallen asleep I stroked her brown hair.

I had a feeling this would be her reaction. It was exactly what I would feel if I was in her situation but I couldn't let her leave me.

Not when everything I ever wanted seemed to be taking away from me.

I sighed before laying her down on the bed.

I got up slowly and walked away before getting things I needed her to do.

Mitsuko POV

I woke up with scrolls and books all around me.

I looked at them with confused eyes.

What were these? Is this what Madara wanted me to do? He wanted me to read all of these!

My eyes widened and I made a face of disgust before slowly picking one of the scrolls up.

It said 'chakra' and then had a lot of things underneath it that I really didn't feel like reading.

I put the scroll down before looking up at the ceiling. Was there more people in this hideout other than me and Madara?

Like that plant guy, was he here too?

I sighed before looking back down at the scrolls and books.
I picked up the scroll I had picked up earlier and began to read it.


It was night time when I finished reading the scrolls and the books.

Surprisingly, I was not tired at all and I finally knew what most of the things I had been wondering about where.

That blue-ish energy I saw everywhere was called chakra and I found out what a jutsu was.

I smiled proudly at myself.

That's when I head footsteps.

I heard the doorknob moving and I immediately pretended to be asleep.

I knew Madara was inside but I decided to just keep quiet.

He walked in and then I heard his footsteps coming closer to me.

He then touched my cheek before mumbling something.

I slowly opened my eyes to see him and when I did he didn't move and just kept his hand on my cheek.

I looked up at him and smiled. His eyes were gentle and he was quiet.

He smiled back at me.

I felt happy.

He was still the Madara I knew.


Chapter 33 | Angry




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