(42) Rain

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Mitsuko POV

A week later...

I woke up from a deep sleep and looked around and it was afternoon.

It had been a whole week since I had been here and I could at the very walk a bit.

I slowly sat up and looked for my bag to see it was at the door.

I wondered if they stole anything from it but by the time I checked nothing was missing.

It seemed they were good people.

I looked down at my clothes and all the dirt and grass stains that were on it.

It was then that I decided that I would change my clothes.

I chose a dark blue cloak and I was putting it over my head when I realized this was not mine.

On the very top of the cloak was the Uchiha symbol. It was small and I doubted that anyone would be able to recognize it if I let my hair down since my hair had grown so much.

Was I an Uchiha?


Technically, yes. Even if I didn't have a ring with how deep of moments I had spent with him it was already settled.

I let my hair down and it was then when Tenshi came in.

"Oh, you're awake....um...what's your name?"

I smiled,"Mitsuko."

He nodded,"So...Mitsuko how's your leg?"

I looked down at It,"It hurts and yet it feels numb at the same time. I think I should move around to wake up my leg a bit more."

"Should I show you around the village then?"

I nodded,"That sounds nice."

He nodded and we left.

I stepped outside and the village was quite lively.

Everywhere I looked there were people walking around and some people were looking at me and I suddenly felt self conscious.

"Hey Tenshi-san."


"Why are they looking at me?"

He looked at me with surprised eyes,"You seriously don't know?"

"Don't know what?"

"You're chakra is quite large."

My eyes widened. I had totally forgotten that Madara had sealed some of
his chakra inside me.

"For someone like you...your chakra is quite cold and dark."

"Is it?"

So Madara's chakra felt cold and dark? I shrugged. It was the complete opposite of how he actually felt. He was usually warm.

We made it to the edge of the village and we walked back,"There must be a lot of shinobi in this village."

"How did you know?"

"There's a lot of people looking at me."

He laughed and it was then that thunder suddenly struck.

Out of nowhere rain started to pour out on the land and people were running for shelter.

I just stood there as I looked up at the sky. It felt good to be in the rain.

It felt good to see it in action. I knew some people didn't like rain but I loved it.

There was something about it that was so beautiful.

Something so nostalgic and beautiful.

"Hey mom."

I watched as my mother turned around and smiled at me,"Yes," she said.

"It's raining outside. I wanted to go play...but it's raining!"

She stood up and laughed,"Who says you can't play in the rain?"

There was a silence before I looked at her with wide eyes,"Really?"

She nodded,"Rain is one of the most beautiful things in the world.


I continued looking up when I saw Tenshi come join me.

He stood beside me and after a while I began to twirl around and run in the rain.

I was enjoying myself and Tenshi was just watching me in silence.

After a while I decided I should go back inside and stop getting wet. After all it wasn't my cloak which was now soaked.

I spread it on the window before feeling my leg. It was less numb and I could move them a whole lot more.

This was good.

I heard a knock on the door,"Mitsuko, can I come in?"


I watched as Tenshi smiled at me,"Thanks for today. I had a lot of fun."

I nodded before speaking.

"Hey Tenshi. I have a question. Do you have any idea where I can find this Madara Uchiha?"

"No, unfortunately."

"Oh, okay."


It was the middle of the night and I was reading a scroll when I heard a scratching noise.

I looked through the window at the ground to see something white coming out of it.


His head creeped through the soil and he smirked,"I found you."


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