(31) Zetsu

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Mitsuko POV

Where was I?

I didn't know.

Nothing here seemed familiar. I slowly got up on my feet before walking to a nearby tree.

I was wearing the same clothes I had been wearing when Madara cast that "spell."

I was just happy that I was out of that terrible place.

The problem I was dealing with now was my wedding.

Where was the wedding happening?

I looked around slowly as I walked in a random direction. How would I get back to the village?

Madara POV

I was sitting in a chair talking to Obito when out of nowhere I felt a large chakra around the hideout.

At first, I didn't mind it until I sensed it felt like my chakra.

I looked at Obito and he was looking in the direction it was coming from.

He could feel it as well.

I narrowed my eyes. What could have my chakra?

My eyes widened before I gave a dark chuckle.

I was excited and amused at the same time. Was this chakra...the chakra I had inserted in Mitsuko...a hundred years ago?

I looked down at my feet. I wondered how she would react when she saw me.

"Zetsu," I said.

"I know," he said before disappearing into the ground.

Obito looked at me,"Were you aware of the situation?"

I looked at him with a straight face,"No," I said lying directly to him,"that's why I had Zetsu check it out."

I looked down at the conference table with a small smirk.

If only she knew how much I had changed since then.


I sighed before casting a barrier restraining her from going anywhere outside a mile radius of the hideout.

It seemed all the stress and pain I put on my eyes back then was worth it. Though, I can't forget how much mental stress it caused me.

I rolled my eyes. It was better than letting Tobirama have what was mine.

I didn't even know if the teleportation would work but it did and with the chakra I put in her I knew I would recognize her at once.

It worked, of course.

Mitsuko POV

I sat down in one place feeling frustrated. I couldn't find anything that I used to have. The village was gone. That, or maybe I was just far away from it.

I thought it was because of the second reason but the first one also seemed a bit valid.

I had seen a man and he was dressed in ridiculous clothing.

He had a green jumpsuit on.

It scared me. He was probably out of his mind.

I looked down at the ground. Or maybe I was.

I laughed for a second. Yet again the second thought seemed to be more valid than the first one.

I stared at the grass in silence. I had a feeling this was going to happen.

I was hoping that someone I knew would appear and give me directions back to the village. Until then I would sit still in silence and do absolutely nothing.

I sat there for a couple more minutes before I saw something growing out of the grass.

I tilted my head, I never remembered plants growing this fast.

I backed up slowly attempting to get out of the plants way only to realize it wasn't a plant.

My jaw dropped and I tried to run but my legs wouldn't move.

I stared at the person in front of me in silence.

He was half white and half black. I was already creeped out because hecame out of the ground but I became even more creeped out when this plant man spoke.

"Mitsuko-san," I heard the white side say.

He knew my name.

I looked at him with wide eyes,"Do I know you?"

"Can I eat her?" the black side asked.

I stepped back before deciding it was time to try to run and I ran for some time before running into some type of invisible wall.

I tried to get through but I couldn't.

Who was doing this?

Suddenly I heard something shuffling across the grass. I turned around at once.

"She tried to run."

I looked back to see the same creature standing there.

I gulped.

"Can I eat her now?"

Finally the white one spoke,"No. You can't. If you do that Madara-sama will-"

I cut him off,"Madara?"

He looked at me,"Yes, Madara-sama."

I blinked twice,"Do you know where this Madara is?"

They blinked,"Yes."

"Can you show me?"

He nodded and turned around before walking.

I followed behind him in silence.

I hoped he was right about this. I needed someone to reassure me that this was reality and not a dream.


Chapter 31 | Flip




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