(24) Seeing Him

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Mitsuko POV

I walked to the lake early in the morning.

I hoped he was there. I wanted to see him. Perhaps I would tell him about me getting married. I had to tell him.

I made it there and I sat down.

I sat there for at least thirty minutes before I heard a

"Leave me alone. The meetings over there's no reason for you to be with me."

"Come on Madara. I'm not that annoying."

I turned around to see Madara and I smiled. He was wearing a long cloak that covered his attire but I couldn't mistake his long hair. It was only once I approached him that I realized someone else was with him.

It was Lord Hashirama.

My eyes widened. What was he doing here? He was the nice one apparently? Why was such a powerful shinobi outside the village. I thought about if I should turn but it was too late. They had already spotted me. I gulped.

Don't freeze.

Don't freeze.

Don't freeze.

I was frozen.

They both stood in front of me and Madara made eye contact with me.

I immediately bowed to both of them. I had to be extra formal because of Lord Hashirama.

He simply nodded in response.

I raised my head.

"May I ask why you are here so early? It's quite early for a young woman like you to be out."

I immediately blushed looked down,"I'm here because I wanted to talk to someone."

He nodded.

"She means me."

I immediately looked up at Madara as my eyes widened. Why was he so blunt? I already felt embarrassed enough.

"Oh? Madara is that so? I'll leave you two be then," he said with a smile.

He left and Madara looked at me in silence. He scanned me up and down before speaking.

"So...what do you want to talk about?"

I looked at him sulking,"Did you really have to tell him Madara? Was it really that important. What if he tells someone?"

"It's none of his business. If he does I'll take care of it. Your father will not come to hear it."

I smiled.

"Why did you come here Mitsuko?"

I looked deep into his black eyes.

Tell him.

I opened my mouth to speak.

No don't. Don't you dare tell him.

I closed my mouth. I couldn't or perhaps I could. I didn't know what came over me but I decided I wouldn't tell him.

"Did you come here just to see me?"

I nodded slowly and he sighed. He took me by my hand and dragged me behind him.

"W-Where are we going?"

"For a walk."

We walked through the dark forest in silence and I was blushing as I was holding his hand.

He took me to a tree and I watched as he literally began walking up a tree. My eyes widened.

"Wait where are you going?"

He looked down at me and chuckled,"I forgot that you're not a shinobi."

He walked back to me and bent down slightly.

"Get on."

I looked at him with a blush,"A piggy back ride? You must be kidding. Can't you just carry in your arms. I'm sure you're strong enough."

"I am but I find it very amusing when you blush and I'm sure you'll blush harder if you're on my back."
I blushed and he chuckled.

"Hop on."

I smiled before doing what he said and just as he said I was embarrassed.

He walked me up the tree and once we were up there he sat me down on a branch.

I squeaked as I felt myself wavering on the branch and I was scared of falling off but I relaxed when I felt his hands on my hips.

I smiled. This felt so natural. I had to meet my future husband later today and yet here I was enjoying Madara's company.

This was wrong but it felt good.

"Look at the view. Your eyes are still closed," his deep voice whispered in my ear.

My eyes slowly opened and I smiled at what I saw.

Trees and the lake Konoha in the distance and the sky seemed so close. I had never been this far off the ground before.

I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I relaxed before lying my back against his chest.

I would enjoy his company as long as I could. We stayed like that for a while before I had to leave.

"Forgive me," I said.


"I'll tell you later. I have to go now."

He sighed before he completely let go of me.

I immediately lost my balance and fell. I screamed and right before I hit the ground his a blue hand appeared catching me and putting me sown gently.

I looked up at Madara and smiled,"Thank you."

He nodded,"Enjoy your day Mitsuko."

I nodded,"I will."

I walked away in silence and before I knew it tears began to stream down my face. I was smiling but I was sad inside.

I looked up at the sky as I bit my lip,"Madara, I want you...so badly."

I continued to walk.

Fate was fate it wasn't meant to be changed.


Chapter 24| Seeing Him




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