(20) Happiness

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Mitsuko POV

It was night time and I was closing up the shop when a certain Uchiha popped up in my mind.

I hadn't seen him since I had told father I was over him so I yearned to see him again.

I closed the shop with the key and looked up at the sky.

It was right after sunset and I knew I could sneak out as long as it wasn't for more than hour.

I gave a heavy breath out and looked up at the sky. It was go time wasn't it?

I immediately sped walked through Konoha and into the forest until I got to the river.

There he was sitting down but with a blue energy around him. It was like last time and it looked like a skeleton.
I walked over to him,"Madara-"

I was cut off when the blue energy held
me tightly around the waist and lifted me off the ground.

Madara looked at me in silence before putting me down slowly.

The blue energy disappeared in an instant and I looked t him fascinated.

"What do you call that thing?" I asked.

He tilted his head,"Does that interest you?"

I nodded and he looked back forward,"Susanoo," he said.

I smiled,"Susanoo, huh? You shinobi are interesting."

Madara POV

"That jutsu...I used it to-"

She cut me off,"Jutsu?"

I sighed. I had to remember that she wasn't a shinobi and she knew nothing.

I scoffed. Honestly.

She stared at me for ten seconds before her hand wandered down to my hand. I immediately retracted my hand from her and I sighed as I prepared myself for the questions that were to come.

"Why happened to your hand?" she asked.

Her eyes looked concerned and I looked down at my hand.

"I was injured...that's all."

She immediately tried to grab it but I moved it away from her again.
Her eyes widened,"Stop," she said.

Her demeanour, for once, wasn't calm and gentle but extremely confident. It was just like when I first exchanged words with her and she tried to throw a rock at me.

I stared at her before slowly putting my Han out for her to look at it.

"What did you do?" she asked as she stared at my hand.

I looked down at it and blinked,"It's a simple injury. It'll heal in time."

She looked at me with angry eyes,"Heal? Madara your hand is stained with blood."

She immediately got up and walked into the forest and I thought she was gone until she came back with a bunch of plants.

She took my hand and split open a dark green plant on top of it which released a white liquid.

It stung.

She looked at me,"I was expecting you to flinch."

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