(4) His Name

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A week later...

Mitsuko POV

"Will you stop running!"

Hanako, one of my little sisters stopped running and looked at me with a glare.

She continued to run around aimlessly and I rolled my eyes at her as I got lost in my thoughts.

Talk in the village has changed drastically from loud business things to a place called Konoha. Apparently, one of the founders there is interested in letting normal people from our village come to settle in their village. There's uncertainty in the village because of it.

We are all very much aware of the fact their village is not very far from ours and that with there expansive growth it might be best to just merge with them. The borders between us are becoming smaller between us and seeing as they are all shinobi we are clearly at a disadvantage. It's a scary thought. They could totally annihilate of us in a blink of an eye but from what my father told me it's very unlike that will happen.

When I asked him about it he laughed.

'If they really were like that they would've already got rid of all of us by now'

that's what he said in response.

I'm not the only person worried about it as many others are thinking about it too but from what people have been saying the man who proposed this is rather kind which I find surprising.

I was always told that shinobi were terrible and cruel. I'm sure there's more of them that are like that but for now, I'm simply going to trust what the elders have been saying.

As an end result, we've been given a choice if we want to leave or not as most of what we need is already being provided there.

I've asked father what he thinks of the situation and if we will be moving but he refuses to give me an answer.

It worries me. I'm reluctant to leave as I've lived here for all my life. Of course, I'm sure my sisters would probably love moving as they're always complaining about how much they hate being here but they're to small to understand how it feels. I also want to see what it's like a little, being in the same old village can be boring at times.

I sighed as I lifted myself off the table and stretched. I had no idea what to to do as my brain couldn't even process. I'm too worried about moving and my father's decision that can't think of anything else.

It's killing me.

I sighed and gulped before getting up slowly. I needed peace, peace so I could rest my brain. Grabbing my sandals and putting them on I rushed out of the door going to the lake that I found ever so peaceful.

Madara POV

I sat on the pebbles near the lake as I looked at it with a calm gaze. I continued to stare at it in silence but I looked up from the lake when I sensed something coming my way. I immediately looked to my left to see the same girl that I had seen a week ago.

It was just as I thought....she was back and she liked this place.

She didn't even realize that I was here as she sat down in one place in silence.

I looked at her with narrowed eyes and I was about to say something but I kept quiet.

It was strange. I should've said something to her by now but I hadn't. I just sat there and watched her. She was probably from the village outside Konoha. The one that Hashirama had recently proposed that should merge with us. I didn't understand his mind at all.

I looked towards the girl to see her reach out her hand to grab a pebble beside me that was literally only about a foot away from me. It was then that she looked up from it and saw me.



I continued to stare at her as she blushed a heavy red and stared at me. Her hair fell forward in front of her and she looked down at the ground.

"How long...have you been here?" she asked her voice light and gentle.

I looked back forward ignoring her question and not even bothering to look at her,"I don't appreciate you being here all the time," I said.


I looked back at her,"I always seem to see you here..."


I narrowed my eyes at her and she looked at me. The way she had said it sounded as if she didn't see it as a problem.

"You should stop coming here."

She narrowed her eyes at me and I heard her scoff mumbling the word shinobi under her breath with a distasteful look.

"Oh, so you know," I said looking at her,"Then you should know to leave now."

She frowned and crossed her arms,"This lake doesn't belong to you."

I blinked twice before slowly getting up and walking away from her.

I wasn't interested in going back and forth with a child right now.

Mitsuko POV

I was sure of it now, shinobi had nothing better to do than bossing people around. What did he mean I couldn't be here?

I grabbed a rock near me as I felt my blood boil. I didn't know what came over me or why I was so angry but at that moment I totally discarded the fact he was a shinobi and took the rock and threw it aiming for his head.

It travelled faster than I thought it would and was about to hit him when he turned around swiftly and caught the rock perfectly in his hand. His black hair swayed behind him and his movement stopped.

My jaw dropped,"How did-"

I cut myself off when I saw his eyes. They were a bloody red and I immediately shut my mouth as I felt myself being brought back to reality.

I had just thrown a rock at a shinobi.

I gulped but to my surprise, he simply turned back around again and began walking away.

He seemed calm all of a sudden.

"Wait!" I said gathering the strength to speak.

He stopped walking,"What?" he said still looking forward.

"What's your name?"

He turned around as his eyes looked at me,"What's your name?" he asked.

I was about to protest and say something about how I asked him first but I decided that wasn't going to work.

"Mitsuko..." I said looking away from him.

He turned away and began walking away,"Madara," he said before disappearing into the forest.

I blinked. Madara. I mentally slapped myself. Why was I so dumb?

I got up on my feet and quickly walked back to the village.


I got home and as soon as I did my father was talking to my sisters.

"Oh, Mitsuko, you're back...I have news for you too."

I smiled,"What?"

"We're moving to Konoha."

I blinked twice before fainting.


Chapter 4| His Name




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