(17) Uchiha Compound

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Mitsuko POV

"Uchiha compound?"

There was a profound silence,"DO YOU MEAN THE ACTUAL UCHIHA COMPOUND! Like the one in the village."

He frowned,"Yes. Why are you so loud? Keep it down my fellow clansmen are sleeping."

I covered my mouth at once,"Oh, sorry."

He pointed over to the corner where there was a large bed. One of the rare ones that actually stood not like mine which could just be layed on the floor.

"You can sleep there."

I smiled before nodding,"Um...Madara..."

"What?" he asked.

"Is it okay if I stay awake just a little longer. I mean...I'm assuming your going to do something with that stack of papers on your desk so can I just stay quiet and watch you?"

There was a silence,"I'm simply doing paperwork. If watching that interests you than go ahead."

I nodded sheepishly and sat criss-crossed in front of him watching him do paperwork.

It made sense that he was doing such a thing. After all he was one of the most important shinobi in the village and among the strongest too.

He was also the clan leader and from the way he was writing on the papers so quickly I could tell that he was skilled and used to it by now. I stared at him with bright eyes until he did something that shocked me. He took his shirt and pulled it right over his head and kept doing paperwork. Obviously, I knew it was his room and he was entitled to do anything he wanted to do but the way he did right in front of me shocked me.

I mean, he did know I was still watching him, right?

I sighed and my eyes scanned over his upper body and I couldn't help but blush. I shouldn't have been staring. He was busy.

I walked closer to the table and before I knew it Madara gave an annoyed "tsk" and got up and began walking away he walked over to the corner to get something and I took the opportunity to look on his desk he was writing on. I stared down at it with a smile. It was extremely neat and everything was lined up. Then again, this room, which was probably his was also very organized nothing seemed out of place.

Just than Madara came back with another ink thingy and set it down gently on the table.

He saw me staring at the desk and he looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing really. I'm just amazed by you."

He sat down slowly,"How so?"

"It's just that..well... compared to you I don't really seem that responsible."

He blinked not saying anything.

I continued speaking,"I mean your the clan leader and you carry your clan on your shoulders all through this time, you do paperwork, and have to support your clan and yet you keep calm while you do it. It shows your extremely responsible."

I thought I saw him smirk for a split second but as soon as I thought that he did he was back to writing things on the paper so maybe it was just my imagination.

Madara POV

She thought I was responsible. No one had really ever bothered to tell me something like that. They usually just expected me to be like this. After all, I had been having this type of work for a while and I was used to being the clan leader by now.

I continued to do my paperwork and she continued to stare at me as I did as I constantly felt her gaze on me.

I was almost done it when I heard what sounded like light snoring. I looked up from my paperwork for the first time in what felt like twenty minutes to see Mitsuko curled up in a ball sleeping on the floor. I stared at her in silence before chuckling. I had never seen someone fall asleep in such weird positions since Izuna died.

I shook my head wondering if I should've already got up and take her to the bed or finish my paperwork and than take her there.

The question stayed in my mind and I finally decided that I would simply take her to bed now that way my mind wouldn't have to keep thinking about it. I walked to her sleeping body and picked it up slowly. I stared at her. Her hair was in her face yet she still looked peaceful. I couldn't remember the last time I had been this close to a woman and I proceeded to put her down on the bed. Once I did I simply let her lay there and I stared down at her. I ran my fingers through her hair but immediately stopped myself.

What was I doing?

I immediately retracted my hand and walked away from her and back to the stack of paper on my desk. I took a deep breath out and went back to doing my paperwork.

I was so close to her when I ran my fingers through her hair yet it felt so natural.


It was the middle of the night when I felt something nudge into my back. I groaned slightly and I turned around and turned my sharingan on to see Mitsuko lying almost on my chest. I smirked and looked at her with a gentle expression. She looked so fragile in this position and I tilted my head at her as amusement filled me up.

There was a silence before I saw her shift suddenly and her eyes opened at once.
She looked around before looking at me and I felt her stiffen.

I had my eyes closed as I didn't want to scare her right when she woke up.

She seemed to adjust herself and yet again I could feel her gaze on me.

A few seconds passed and I felt her pulling on my hair. She twisted and twirled it and seemed to find interest in playing with it.

I stayed still not letting her know I was awake.

Mitsuko POV

He was sleeping so this was the perfect opportunity for me to get to play with his hair.

It felt strange but I enjoyed it very very much. I had wanted to do this for the longest while now. Suddenly his eyes snapped open and I jumped backwards immediately.

"Oh,Madara you're awak-"

"Do you really like playing with my hair that much?"
I nodded slowly and he closed his eyes and turned over,"Maybe one day I'll let you play with it more."

I smiled after hearing those words an I closed my eyes.

I looked forward that day. I couldn't wait for it to come.

Before I knew it I drifted off into sleep.

Chapter 17| Uchiha Compound




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