(2) Raven Hair

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He said nothing to me. He simply stared at me as his black eyes looked me up and down and then away from me.

He looked back at the water and despite me being there he seemed to ignore my existence.

I didn't mind it obviously, but seeing as I had never seen him before in the village I had a starnge feeling.

I suppose my hunch was right, something interesting was happening today. He was obviously a shinobi. There was no doubt in my mind. No one I had known wore such a symbol on there back. Red and white.

I stared at him and opened my mouth to ask him a single question but I couldn't. I forced myself to say something.

"Excuse me," I said gently.

He looked back at me.

"Do you know of a path here? I'm kind of lost,"  I said.

He blinked twice before pointing towards the left. I expected him to say something along with his expression but he said nothing.

He seemed like a concealed person just by how he was acting and through the small time I had spent with him I figured he was the type to not  use many words. He probably wanted to be alone. Why else would he come to this lake?

I slowly walked towards the left and looked back at the man with his long raven-haired. I was interested in the shinobi's world and how it worked. It seemed different from my life in the village. Perhaps more lively. 

I would've liked to talk to him but that wasn't possible. After all, although I was interested in the shinobi's way of life I wasn't stupid enough to try anything.  I looked ahead of me and continued walking forward. Perhaps I would see him again in the future.

The more I walked the more the lake began to shrink. Soon enough the lake turned into a river and from a river, it turned into a stream. 

It was more like what grandma described. I put the bucket that was empty in the water and filled it up. I continued to walk on and in less than a minute I saw a dirt path and I smiled.

This would probably lead me back to the village so I took my time walking back. I was met with a beautiful cottage surrounded by flowers just outside of the forest. I was overjoyed. I had found it... that was until I went inside the cottage and got yelled at.

"You were careless!" my grandma said,"Do you know how long you were gone? Hours! I was worried about you. I..."

I yawned slowly as I continued to listen to her go on a rant. I tried to make her stop by showing her the herbs I had collected but she wasn't impressed at all.

She kept going on about how I should be more careful and how she was so scared and after a while, she saw that this wasn't going anywhere with me so she stopped.

She took the basket of herbs and put it beside her,"So what took you so long, Mitsuko?" she asked.

I looked at her with a slight blush on my face,"I got lost and then...I met someone."

"Who?" she asked.

I stared at her as I looked her up and down. I had to be careful what I told her. Things like shinobi were completely off limits with her. If I even mentioned the word 'shinobi' she would discard the fact I was now an adult and began to treat me like a child again.

I sighed,"I met a man."

Her eyes widened, "A man?"

Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked at me,"How did you meet a man?" she asked.

"Like I said, I got lost after finding those herbs and he told me how to get back."

She narrowed her eyes at me as if she was looking into my soul and I was forced to keep a straight face.

She shrugged as she laughed,"That's fine," she said.

I gave a sheepish laugh.

If only she knew.

I stayed there until the sun went down and once it did I decided to go home. I walked in the dark as the cold wind blew against me. I looked up at the moon as I bit my lip. Soon enough, I entered my house as I pushed the door open.

My father was still awake. My two little sister seemed to be asleep as no fighting was going on. 

As soon as my father saw me he smiled, "How was it?" he asked.

I smiled,"It was good."

He nodded, "I'm gonna clean up and then I'll go to bed."

I looked at him with concerned eyes,"You can go to bed. I'll do it."

He got up slowly and nodded before exiting the room. I did a quick sweep over the area and cleaned the table before heading to my room.

I laid on my futon bed as I looked up at the ceiling. I was sleepy and curious at the same time. I slowly closed my eyes and the image that had been in the back of my mind popped up out of nowhere.

It was raven hair. That man's long unique raven hair.

Chapter 2| Raven Hair




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