(9) Caught

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"Mitsuko can you put this on the shelf?"

"Okay," I said as I approached her slowly. I grabbed the tulips from her and walked over to the shelf as I put them on securely.

Summer is almost here. It's making me nervous just thinking about it. The fact I'm spending my first summer away from the cottage and the village has been getting to me lately.

I've been in Konoha for seven months now. I don't really understand why I feel this way.

I said goodbye to Suzuki-san and walked out of the shop. I only worked there half a day today. I headed home and as soon as I entered I found no one in the front of the house. One of my eyebrows raised and I walked deeper.

Where was everyone?

It wasn't until I checked their rooms that I found they were all with my father in his room.

I smiled when I saw them but as soon as I did I was greeted with a frown.

"Well? Are you going to sit down?" I looked at him before blinking twice and nodding before sitting down. I stared at him as he looked at the wall and I looked at my sisters. It seemed like I wasn't the only one who was uncomfortable in this room. My sisters were dead silent as well.

I gulped before looking ahead at the wall until I heard his voice.

"You seem to be going out sometimes at night Mitsuko, is there a reason? Are you looking for something? Going somewhere?"

I stiffened before looking down. How had he caught me? Did he already know I was associating myself with a shinobi? Namely Madara.

"Oh, I'm just going for a walk near a lake, that's all," I said as I felt an uncomfortable feeling wash over me."

Father stared at me for quite the time before sighing, "Alright then," he said.

"F-Father," I said, "I...is it alright if still continue to go for evening walks?"

He narrowed his eyes at me before sighing, "Alright," he said.

I smiled before getting up and walking out the door but to my surprise, my two sisters stayed inside the room. I shrugged, weird.

Hanako POV(Mitsuko's little sister)

"If you spot her doing anything strange follow her,"

I looked at father with a frown, "What's the big deal with her?"

Father sighed and got up and left but not before telling us something, "Make sure you look out for her," he said.

My eyebrow rose and I shrugged. It didn't make any sense to me why onesan would act strangely. She was just going for evening walks. What was so bad about that?


It was the middle of the night when I was woken up by what sounded like footsteps outside my door. I sat up from the futon bed and rubbed my eyes. What was that sound? I got up slowly and walked closer to the door and opened it but saw nothing.

I walked out of the hallway and into the living room to see a figure putting on what looked like sandals. I was about to run and tell father but I stopped when I realized the figure was Mitsuko. Where was she going at this time in the night? I watched her get up and go out the door so I followed her.

I grabbed my sandals and went outside the door and followed her. She went through a forest and I gulped. Where was onesan going? She finally stopped and I watched her from behind a tree as she walked to a giant lake.

There was someone already sitting there and she sat right beside him!

I stiffened. What was this?

Mitsuko POV

"Madara-sama," I said with a smile on my face.

"Oh, you're here," he said.

I looked forward at nothing in particular before I saw Madara look behind him with narrowed eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing," he said as he looked down at the lake.

He was lying obviously something was wrong.

"Do you have siblings?" Madara asked out of nowhere.


"Oh, nothing," he said yet again.

"M-Madara-sama...you can't just..., "I cut myself off, "Do you have any siblings?"

Madara looked at me his eyes looking extremely cold, "No," he said, "I have no immediate family."

I looked down," Sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

He didn't respond and I sighed. I really didn't know when to stop asking questions, did I?


I decided to leave. As usual, I had enjoyed my time with Madara. I had felt my heart beating when I was with him and I felt my heart flutter when I heard his voice.

His demeanor was so peaceful to be around. It was obvious to me. I liked him and I knew I was in for quite the hardship. I had feelings for a shinobi. One that would probably never return them.

Hanako POV

She was leaving. I had to follow her but as soon as I took one step someone appeared in front of me. I looked up to see it was the same man who had been with onesan. His black long hair went to his waist and his eyes were narrowed. I gulped.

"Well," he said, "Aren't you going to follow your sister."

I nodded, "R-Right. Thanks."

With that, I left.


She went home so I did the same. I headed back to my room and closed my eyes. I would tell father about this tomorrow.


Chapter 9| Caught




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