(41) Wandering

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Mitsuko POV

My feet hurt. I had been walking for a while and it was only now that I realized how stupid I was.

I had no idea where I was going, I had no idea where I was, and I had no idea where Madara was.

I sighed as I continued to walk.

I had seen all types of trees and different types of plants until I saw a particular plant that told me exactly where I was.

The Anohara plant.

I had never seen it before but now I knew I was in between Konoha and the Tsuchikage's land.

I sighed. I must have been walking for a very long time.

I decided to sit down and take a short rest and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.


My eyes opened and I found myself in a brightly lit room. I was lying on a bed and I slowly sat up.

"Is she awake yet?"

"I don't know. I'll go check."

I saw a man with short brown hair looking at me.

"She's awake Tenshi."

"Is she now?"

Another man walked out from around the corner.

"Oh, she is."

He had long straight black hair and blue eyes.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Your in the Hana village."

Hana village? I had never heard of it.

"Why am I here?"

"You passed out in the forest. When we first saw you we thought you were sleeping but when we saw you were still there two days later we decided to help you."

Two days?

I had been out of it for two days.

I sighed before giving a small smile,"Thank you for helping me but I must be on my way now."

I began to get up but stopped as soon as my leg touched the ground.

"Ow," I said.

"You probably won't be able to walk for a day or two," I heard the one with short brown hair say,"I won't be here for a while but I'm sure Tenshi can take care of you."

I looked at the man named Tenshi as my eyes looked deep into his blue ones.

"Why?" I asked.


"Why are you helping me?"

He smiled,"It's what I do."

I stiffened before smiling,"In that case, thank you," I said bowing slightly.

I laid back down before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

By the time I woke up again the sun was down.

It was night time and I saw a figure walking towards me. A candle was lit and I saw the same man as earlier.

He sat beside me before handing me a cup of hot water.

"It's Tenshi, right?"

He nodded.

"So Tenshi-san where did your friend go?"

"Oh him? He went to the front lines."

My eyes widened,"He's fighting in the war."

He nodded before urging me to drink the water so I did.

After I had I looked back at him,"Is the war...going well..."

He looked down at the ground,"Who knows. I'll be going there soon but from what I've heard It's quite difficult. I wonder if this Madara Uchiha is as strong as they say. It doesn't seem that way."

I scoffed,"I wouldn't underestimate him if I were you."



"Oh, nothing."

He stared at me for a while,"Are you a shinobi?"

I shook my head,"No, but I am from Konoha."

"Oh, really? I'm from Iwagakure."

I nodded.

"I'm going to go to bed now."

"Oh okay," he said.

I watched as he left the room and I stared at the ceiling.

I wondered if Madara was okay. I wanted to hold him.

I shook my head. I had to focus on locating him first. Then I could worry about holding him.

A blush appeared on my face and I sighed before forcing myself to rest longer.

I would try to walk again tommorow.

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