(25) Meeting Him

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Mitsuko POV

I walked back home after meeting with Madara and got ready before going to the flower shop.

I was extremely out of it and I couldn't seem to do anything right.

Suzuki looked at me with concern.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded but in reality I could hear my inner me saying no over and over again.

I sighed and looked at her,"I'm supposed to meet the man I'm supposed to marry today."

Her eyebrow rose and her jaw dropped,"What? Really?" she said.

I frowned before nodding.

She sighed,"You're not ready, are you?"

I nodded and she sighed.

"I hope everything goes well," she said before looking at the broken pot,"however, that doesn't mean you can start breaking my pots."

I gave a silent apology and she smiled,"It's alright," she said,"I understand exactly why you're uneasy."

I smiled,"Thank you," I said giving a small bow.

She patted me on the head and I smiled.

I finished up working at the flower shop and was walking home when I saw a bunch of people heading towards this side of the village.

At first, I thought nothing of it but as soon as I realized that one of them could possibly be my "husband" I banged on the door as hard as ever.

Immediately, one of my sister's opened it and they looked up at me with a frown.

"Oh, it's just you..."

I frowned before saying a quiet move and passing her by and heading to my room.

I went into the room before violently brushing my hair and dressing in a nice kimono. I stared at the clothing and sighed.

I was getting married against my will.

I gave a hitched breath out before sitting on a mat in complete silence.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything to anyone.

Hanako walked in my room and smiled,"Are you nervous?" she asked.

I nodded and she smirked.

"I can't wait to see your babi-"

"Stop," I said raising my eyebrow.

She burst out in laughter before wrapping her arms around me.

"I can't wait," she said with a big smile.

She was happy.

It made me smile.

If she was happy and my family was happy because of marriage then that in itself made me feel happy.

Even if my heart belonged to someone else.

I stayed there in that position with my sisters arms wrapped around me until I heard footsteps.

I immediately stiffened before watching Hanako get up.

"Sorry," she said,"I have to leave now. That's probably father. Father said were not allowed out of our room for the entire time."

I nodded and watched her leave.

I was nervous but I was trying to contain it.

I gulped and looked down at the floor before slowly forcing myslef to get up and just when I did my father walked in my room.

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