(43) Caught

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Mitsuko POV


He smiled creepily and I immediately tried to close the window but it was too late he was already half way through it. Soon enough he was inside.

"You tricked me," he said.

By this time I was scared out of my mind. He was so much taller then me and I really didn't like that look on his face.

"So what will you do now?"

I looked up at him,"I want to see Madara."

He looked at me,"I'll take you there. At this point your closer to him them the hideout."


He nodded,"You'll be walking all night though."

I stared down at my leg knowing it wasn't completely healed.

"Can you give me one more day. I injured my leg."

"Okay but if you're not here there will be consequences."

He walked outside and I watched as he dissapeared into the ground.

It was then when the door burst open.

There stood Tenshi.

"Was someone just here?"

I nodded my head,"Yes."

I didn't want to lie to him at least not completely.

"I scared them away with my chakra."

"Oh," he said,"but I thought you said you were going to sleep?"

I looked out the window,"I was going to but I decided to look at the stars instead."

He looked out the window,"They're beautiful," he said.

I nodded as I looked at one of them,"They really are."


It was morning and I wanted to rest as much as possible. I was walking very far to meet up with Madara so I needed my legs to be able to walk very very far.

I had decided that I would sleep in until it was night time. Then I would wake up and leave.

I rested my head on the bed before forcing myself to go back to bed.

Tenshi POV

Madara Uchiha. She was acquaintanced with him.

How could this have happened? How could someone like her get caught up with someone like him?

Perhaps he had taken her hostage and this was the only way she would survive.

In any case, I wanted to help her I just had to wait until nightfall.


The sun had went down and I could hear her heading out.

I immediately walked into the room to see her belongings were gone and everything put back in place. She had left a note on the bed but I could read it later.

She was right about to enter the forest so if I ran I would be able to stop her.

I jumped out of the window before calling her name,"Mitsuko!!!"

She turned around at once and she looked shocked to see me.

"Tenshi, what are you doing here?"

"Don't go. Don't go to him."

"I don't know what your talking about," she said.

I panted catching my breath before speaking,"Mitsuko, you're a bad liar."

She stiffened.

"Even yesterday when I asked you if there was someone in the room you said yes and then covered it up with a smaller lie."

She looked down at the ground,"How much did you hear?"

"All of it, but you don't have to go. You can stay with me. After the war ends you'll be safe. I can help you."

"And why would you do that?"

I gulped before looking straight into her eyes,"I like you."

Her eyes widened.

"I know I've only known you for two weeks but it's been a long time since I've met someone like you."

There was a silence between us before I heard a voice.

"What will you do Mitsuko?" I heard a voice say.

I watched as a white creature came from behind her.

"I'm sorry Tenshi but... I like someone else."

I watched as she bowed to me and thanked me before she headed off deep into the forest.

Mitsuko POV

I was walking with Zetsu and I knew I should've felt bad for the way I had rejected him but I felt no remorse.

I wanted Madara. I had chose him over Tobirama and my father's wishes so why would I go against my feelings to be with someone who I barely knew.

He was kind yes, he was considerate too and he had taken great care of me but he was simply someone I was grateful too. I hoped he would forgive me.

I continued to walk and just like Zetsu had said it was a long walk.

We walked and walked and walked and soon enough the sky began to lighten up.

It was morning already. I felt like resting but I kept going until finally.

I made it to this sandy area. Zetsu pointed towards a large group of shinobi.

"You're going over there," he said,"if Madara-sama begins to fight you need to run away to those trees. You need to get out of range."

My eyebrow rose,"That far? What if that's not far enough."

"If he's not too annoyed with you he'll probably save you. If not you'll die."

I gulped.

"This is where I'll stop. Good luck," he said before he disappeared into the sand and I looked forward before walking there.

They all looked exhausted.

I walked towards them and I stood in the middle.

No one seemed to recognize me so that was good.

I gave a sigh of relief as I looked where everyone else was looking at.

Up. On a tall rock upwards.

I slowly looked up and I shivered at what I saw. There stood Madara his basic long hair was flowing in the wind, his arms were crossed and he was looking down at something in particular, me.


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