How it began

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"Gah! "

I covered my ears with my hands to protect them from the shrill chimes of the accursed bell.

Good Lord, I hated that bell. I didn't think I'd ever get used to it.

Making my way down the hallway after the last period for the day, the sea of high schoolers milling about was never a problem to me; They all parted whenever I got close, making it easier to go wherever I wanted.

Perks of being the school's most popular boy

I strode down the hallway, my gait exuded pure confidence and my badness in all it's glory, and maybe a hint of cockiness as I've been told by my best friend, Rachel.

I spotted Rachel and the crew. They were leaning against some lockers while Rachel was picking on some pipsqueak with pimples. He was a junior with curly black hair and thick glasses, he was quite short and visibly quaking in fear under the eyeliner clad eyes and vicious snarl of Rachel.

I smiled.

"Sup Ray,"

She looked up from the kid to acknowledge my presence before a look of playful distaste covered her face, coupled with a scowl "Finally decided to show up huh? " she was chewing on a piece of gum - as usual .

The pipsqueak junior looked up at me and his face went pale instantly.

"Z-zion?... Oh man I'm so dead! Please don't hurt me! I'll do anything! I'll do all the homework and walk your dogs... Y-you can even have my piggy bank if you want!"

Now hold on just a minute people. I'm a bad boy, not a bully. So don't go getting any ideas.

Rachel does all the bullying :)

"Shut your stupid mouth while you still have it, "she barked

The kid looked like he was about to pee on himself

"Let him go Ray. He's not worth it " Stacey said with an eye roll that was so Stacey.

Oh hold on. Sorry, I totally forgot to introduce the crew. Damn it, I got a bit carried away.

Well, better late than never.

Rachel; 17. My best friend since kindergarten after she snapped my wrist for trying to 'give her cooties'. She had a nasty temper, an impulsive behavior, a tendency to destroy all living things that pissed her off and loved having things her way. Despite popular belief that childhood friends always fall for each other, it was never that way between Ray and I.

Sure, we hooked up once or twice with no strings attached, but that was just a friend helping a friend out.

I think...

Stacey;  Rachel's bestie. Typical Emo kid. 17. Rolls her eyes at everything that eats, breathes and shits. She wasn't much of a talker but knew where her loyalty lay. Half the time she was either buried in the screen of her phone or studying her extremely dark nails. She always had a majorly bored expression on her pale face because she said, and I quote 'You humans are more boring than watching my grandma do yoga'

Till this day I wondered what could be boring about an octogenarian doing yoga. 

Dangerous? Yes.

Boring? Definitely not.

Joanna or Jo.16. The only one who was nervous and fidgety to do all the stuff we did cos Rachel only strung her along to do our homework. She proved her worth by facing off with Ashley the self proclaimed 'Queen bitch' (please insert exaggerated eyeroll here) once when Rachel was down with a flu and Ashley decided to spread a nasty rumor that Rachel had gotten STDS from her numerous conquests.
Jo was so mad that she walked up to Ashley and bitch slapped her in the middle of the cafeteria, then stormed out in anger.

Her good girl record got dented with a suspension for assaulting a fellow student.

Everyone thought she'd overreacted, except me of course, it wasn't hard to notice the way she looked at Rachel with dilated pupils and longing whenever she was talking or laughing or punching someone's lights out, Or how she kept coming back no matter how nasty Ray was to her.

But I knew, and I pitied her because Ray was a dick lover all the way.

Then there's me, Zion. 17 like the rest and like I said...bad boy and loving it.

The pipsqueak scooted off so fast and we all laughed. Except Jo.

"That was mean" she said

"Shut up before I do you next Joanna," Rachel threatened pointing a finger under Jo's nose.

"I said... Call. Me. Jo." She returned Rachel's glare, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose and coming nose to nose with the dark haired girl.

Jo hated being called by her full name but sadly it was Rachel's favorite way of annoying her.

I didn't see the open defiance coming at all, and neither did Ray, because a look of shock washed over her face before being replaced by pure rage.

Jo was usually scared of standing up to Rachel and I didn't know why she decided to break that norm that day.

I decided to intervene before things got ugly.

"Truth or dare Jo!"... This was my first mistake.

She blinked. Then blushed, casting her eyes down to the floor because I'd spoken to her.

They all blushed whenever I spoke to them, and I'm talking about all the females I've ever come across (except Rachel, she's immune).

I wouldn't blame them, I was total eye candy, plus I got the ability to charm from my Italian cousin.

Girls dig Italian guys.

I mentally rolled my eyes and smiled at her, willing her to answer.

"Truth," she answered

And that was how I got into the whole mess...

A/N : Hello Beautiful people :)
I impromptu created this with an idea that has been in my head for a while.
I'll do my best to update regularly.
Please tell me what you think.

And please vote if you like this Photo above is Zion Wesley, our mischievous bad boy main character who's not really a bad boy😍
Cute or Nah?

Your Crazy Amateur Writer,

Edited: 24th December 2018

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