5. Dinner With The Devil

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4 minutes later....

I got tired of scrolling through my phone. Nerd witch wasn't back yet and Thunder Lizard hadn't batted a scaly eyelid at or away from me since she left.

I put my phone away and began to tap my left foot impatiently on the floor. I clenched and unclenched my fists repeatedly.

I don't know if I've made it obvious yet that I'm not a very patient person and the only thing I hate more than being challenged, is getting bored.

A minute later I let out a long, loud sigh and sank into my chair

"God this is so exhausting!! "

Thunder Lizard looked like it raised an imaginary eyebrow at me in amusement

"What's so funny you dwarf komodo dragon?"

Then it frowned.

By now I was somewhat used to it's unusual facial expressions. Cos heck! If I was going crazy and couldn't help it, I might as well flow with it.

Since talking to the chameleon seemed like the only thing that wasn't stab-your-eyes-out-with-a-fork boring, I continued

"So... Cara was it? "

It looked at me. Good, I got its attention.

"I guess you're my warden right?" I joked

No response. Humour me.

"Of course I wouldn't expect you to answer. You're a freaking chameleon "

I made to stand up from the seat, but the chameleon was on high alert and quickly arched its tail and snarled. I could see the tiny sparks of electricity crawling over its scales.

A lump formed in my throat when I recalled my last encounter with it. I slowly swallowed and sank back into the chair. I needed to find a way around the psycho lizard.

My eyes darted around quickly and rested on the laptop which was still on the bed.
I remembered the first day I spoke to Riley, she said something about hacking into the Russian Military Database.

From my little time with her, I'd learnt that one thing was certain — she never jokes.

Who exactly was this little nerd?

I felt the curiosity rise in me and the open laptop beckoned me.
A very reptilian snarl snapped me out of my reverie

"Of course " I muttered

There was a Jean jacket draped over the back of the chair I was sitting on and I got an interesting idea.
Slowly, I pulled the jacket into my hands.

Thunder Lizard eyed me warily and I panicked, fishing for the best excuse for taking the jacket,

"Um... I just love the scent of her..mmh!  Can't get enough! " I put the jacket to my nose and breathed in the scent — vanilla — her scent! Not bad.

Fortunately, the chameleon bought the act and snickered at my feigned crush on its mistress. It let its guard down and I dove at the opportunity — I literally dove at the chameleon and wrapped it in the jacket. I worked swiftly and bundled and tied before pushing it away from me.
Thunder Lizard thrashed and snarled violently from within the Jean bundle that was now lying on the floor at the other end of the room.

I huffed

"That chameleon must surely be related to the devil in some way," then thought again "Oh wait, it's owned by the devil herself. Little wonder why it's so evil"

Sparks of electricity crawled all over the Jean material and I smelt burning fabric, which made me realize how little time I had. I dashed to the bed and landed on my stomach ,my eyes were still focusing on the screen when I heard hurried footsteps heading straight towards the room.

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