30. End Game

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"Zion, hurry or we're going to be late!" Zoe yelled from the kitchen.

I dragged my half-dead-from-sleep body across my room to the kitchen.

"Grrmn Zz" I greeted her in the language of all who were allergic to early rising.

Zoe turned to me with a bright smile, which instantly fell off when she saw my condition, "Coffee is over there,"

I followed the scent of coffee rather than the direction of her pointed finger and poured myself a mug of the cure to Early Morning Grumpitis.
After a few sips, I was finally nearly awake.

What? It's six freaking a.m.!

"Zoe? Why are you all dressed up so damn early?"

"Because, I have to get to work, and I'm taking you with me, No arguments" She answered while clipping on an earring.

I would've groaned and complained or just plain fought her over this... If it wasn't exactly what I needed.

I perked up too, "Okay,"

Zoe's second earring fell out of her hand, "Sorry, I thought you just agreed with me on something,"

I drained my mug and placed it on the counter, before walking past a very stunned Zoe, "Yes, I did. Give me ten minutes,"

I heard a shocked gasp just as I shut my bedroom door and chuckled to myself.

"Only a nut job laughs alone. Oh wait, you are one!" Cara snickered at me.

I ignored the chameleon and instead pulled on a T-shirt, "We're going to the facility,"

Cara stopped mid-snicker,"What? So soon? How did you manage to convince her?"

I shrugged and pulled on a pair of sneakers before running my fingers through my hair to give it the messy bed hair effect.

"You know there's a comb right beside you right?" She asked.

"Yeah, but it'll give me a 'cute school boy' look instead of the 'sexy bad boy' look I need. I am a bad boy after all,"

She rolled her eyes as I picked her up and balanced her on my shoulder. It felt weird and made me think of how Nerd witch always looked so badass with a chameleon on her shoulder.

When I got to the living room, Zoe was hurriedly tucking the file I'd found under her couch into her handbag.
I eyed her suspiciously but she gave me an all too bright smile in response,


I thought of Cara's late night lecture and the possibility of saving Nerd witch, "Yeah"

                         * * *

"Remember what I told you Wesley, don't screw this up," Cara cautioned for the millionth time.

"If you say that one more time, I'll toss you out the window,"

"And I'll blow your sister's car up," She snapped without missing a beat, "Try me,"

We glared at each other for a few seconds.

Because we didn't eat before heading out (not that I would ever bring myself to eat Zoe's horrible excuse for cooking), She had pulled over at a small cafe to order a few things. She went in while I waited in the car with a camouflaged chameleon.

Cara, devil that she was, used the opportunity to hammer into my head the fact that she'd complete her mistress' dream of emasculating me if I screwed this mission up.

But since she wasn't Nerd witch herself, she couldn't exactly pull the threatening look off and I wasn't exactly feeling threatened, so we ended up bickering like old housewives before Zoe returned.

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