21. Jingle Bleh!

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There was a soft knock at the door, but I chose to ignore it.
I lay on my back on my bed, staring at nothing in particular and sinking deeper into my misery.

I don't know why her absence affected me so much. I just couldn't explain it.

Was it because I had nothing else to do?

Or was it because she had somehow become a part of my daily life?

I sighed and closed my eyes, welcoming the memories of that night.

I'd woken up on the cold floor of my temporary holding cell which was actually Nerd witch's basement.
I had rushed up to the main house, frantically searching for any trace of her, but she was long gone.
Not even Thunder Lizard was left behind.

As she said, my car was parked a little ways from their house and it caused me no trouble to find.

I searched for my phone to know just how late it was but I couldn't find it. I turned my pockets inside out, searched the glove compartment and the floor of the car.

That was when it occurred to me that Nerd witch must have taken it to get rid of Rostikov's photo.
Hacking from the source was so much easier.

Made sense.

Then again, everything she ever did made sense. Always well thought out and calculated —I mean, she didn't just suddenly become a Nerd witch overnight.

The thought of her caused a longing ache in my heart that I just couldn't wrap my head around. I knew that I liked her, but I'd never felt anything like what I'd felt for her.
Ironic though considering that she blatantly said she didn't like me.

There was also the great secret about her being an experiment. I filed that under my 'Bigger things to mull over later' section in my mind.
Because right now?

Right now...

The knock came again, but this time the door was opened gently by whoever was knocking.

"I didn't say you could come in," I seethed

"Well I didn't think I needed permission to go to any room in my house," my Mom said "I'm guessing it's a new trend"

I sat up straight at the sound of my Mom's voice and forced a smile. Mom being away from work? That's new.

"You look like you were just forced to eat a shovel full of salt," my Mom remarked, padding over the rug barefoot and flopping down beside me on the bed.

"Mom? Why aren't you working?" I was still dazed at her suddenly deeming me worthy of a room visit.

"I heard my baby boy had issues. My work can go to hell if it means that I don't dispense my duties as a mother," she waved her hand.

"I don't have issues, Zach doesn't. Maybe you should be talking to Sydney about his issues,"

"You and I both know that Sydney's issues are irreparable," she winked.

I burst out laughing with her joining in. It felt good to laugh after such a long time. After my laughter subsided, Mom continued with her mission.

"It was actually Sydney who brought it to my attention, and I've also caught you zoning out too many times,"

I scoffed lightly, "Zoning out isn't a big deal,"

"But you've been cold to Sydney, you've distanced yourself from your family and you're building a wall so high that soon, I fear no one would be able to climb in and save you from yourself," my Mom said.

"Wow. That's deep" Was all I could say

My Mom took one of my hands in both of hers and looked me deep in the eyes, as if searching the depths of my soul with those forest green eyes of hers,

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