16. Dangerous Woman

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The Maserati pulled up in front of a club with a neon sign that read 'VIXEN'S'.
I never figured Nerd witch for one who frequented clubs.

A burly man in an Armani suit stepped out of the car, his black hair was gelled back neatly and his eyes darted left and right suspiciously as he made his way around the car to open the door for Nerd witch.

When she stepped out, I couldn't help but gawk once again.

She looked dressed to kill, goddammit.

She took the man's waiting hand and gave him a curt nod.
Together, they made their way to the front of the line and the bouncer let them in with a bow.

Well, I didn't come this far to be left curious, did I?

I reached for the glove compartment and pulled out my fake ID.

Since the queue wasn't that long, I only had to wait seven minutes before the bouncer waved me in.

Flashing colored lights and ear-bleedingly, loud music coupled with the smell of sweat welcomed me at the entrance of the club.
The club was dark, making the strobe lights the only source of illumination.
Bodies were painted with glow in the dark body paint which made the whole scene kinda creepy.

A glowing, blue hand latched onto my arm.

"Hey big boy," a very hot, very drunk girl drawled,"Wanna dance?"

I pried her talon-like fingers off my arm, "Err...No thanks"

"Suit yourself," She danced away and got lost in the sea of bodies.

I made my way to the bar and, along the way I caught the interest of several girls-and the burning glares of their boyfriends.
I ordered a shot of vodka,

"Trying to drown your sorrows or looking for liquid courage?" the bar guy asked, skillfully pouring the drink into the shot glass and passing it to me.

"I think I'll go with liquid courage," I answered and downed the shot at one go.
The alcohol burned my throat as it travelled down and warmed up my insides.

"In that case," the bar guy said "you're gonna need a lot more than one shot"

He laid out ten shot glasses in a straight line and filled them up with the skill of a professional bar man -which he was.
I gave him a nod and swallowed the shots one by one till I got to the last one and downed it too.
My head began to pound and the world was spinning.

"So, what did you need the liquid courage for?" the bar guy asked.

I stared at him in confusion and he seemed to split in two, "What?"

"I said," he repeated "What did you need the liquid courage for?!"

What did I really need it for?
Why was I even here?
How did I get here???

You drove here you moron!

Oh, Mr subconscious is that you?

No, it's Severus Snape.

Only one entity can be as sarcastic and Harry Potter loving as that.

What are we doing here, asshole?

I don't know, I should be asking you.

I would've known if you hadn't gotten us drunk!

"Oh shut up!" I slurred

"Excuse me?" the bar guy said. I had totally forgotten about him.

"Sorry, I was talking to my sarcastic, Harry Potter loving, Nerd witch supporting subconscious," I explained.

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