7. Code Blue

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My Dad's little sister had somehow fallen in love with an Italian mafia boss during one of her holidays in Italy; it was a romance novel kinda love.They got married and had Sydney.

My cousin Sydney was... eccentric and special. Very special.

One day he's a marine biologist obsessing over everything sea related, the next he's an archer who aims better than Deadshot — who aims better than freaking Deadshot??!

My cousin Sydney does.

So every once in a while, Mafia wars break out and Sydney's parents send him over to America for his own safety till the war ends.

It was during one of such occasions when Sydney was going through his bad boy phase that I kinda picked it up.
I looked up to him like a big brother —so did Zach. Back then he didn't have seizures, those started when Zoe left but now I'm digressing.

Currently, Sydney was wiping one of the more serious bruises on my back with some antiseptic in my bathroom

"Wow! You grew up in all the right places Zion. You're just seventeen and you're looking like a fucking greek god" he commented while caressing my arm.

I snatched it away from his grasp swiftly.

"Sydney, I don't know what phase you're going through currently, but I don't roll that way " I cautioned

He scrunched up his face in confusion and then a look of realization washed over him

"Oh no no no no no. I don't roll that way either Cuz, I just meant your body is totally fabulous " he squealed "Now tell me again about this Nerd witch and her evil chameleon "

I took in a deep breath and let it out. Sydney had balanced himself on the countertop while I leaned against the wall and began to tell him everything

"It was just a normal day after school. The crew and I were playing truth or dare when Rachel dared me to kiss Freaky Frankie—"

"Ugh!  Girls named Frankie are evil! " he interrupted

"But that's the thing, her name's Riley not Frankie "

"Then why is she called Frankie? " he asked
I racked my brain for an answer but found none , "You know, I don't really know "

"Oh well, carry on and try not to bore me to death and back " he waved his fingers

"So I approached her when she was busy on her laptop and get this —she didn't even pay attention to me! "

"Did she know it was you? "

I recalled how she'd rattled off every detail about my family that day like a stalker and nodded.

Sydney gasped "She sounds tough"

"You have no idea " I mumbled. The memory of the punch flashed in my mind and I frowned.

"Oh did you try the hair ruffling thing? "


"And it didn't work?!" This time it was Sydney's turn to frown "What about the evil chameleon you spoke of?"

I recounted all my encounters with Nerd witch and her chameleon. The hallway, her locker, dinner at her house and the past seven weeks of stalking.
Sydney paid rapt attention and nodded his head at intervals. When he realized I was done, he gave a final nod.

"Cousin, I've learnt two things from what you just told me, " he started "First, we need to go look for this little Nerd witch wherever she is and end this, "

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