19. Bullets Flew

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"Hello? Who is this?" Came her silky soft voice and I felt my heart strings being tugged.

"Why your dream man of course,"

"Wesley!" she hissed.
Even over the phone, I could hear the venom in her voice as she spat out my name.
Meh. At least she could recognize my voice now, so that should be a good thing.

I sighed, "And here I thought we've gotten over your hatred of me,"

"How did you get my number?!"

My eyes flitted over to the page where I'd scribbled down the information  I got from Nate weeks ago, then back to the road ahead of me as I steered with one hand.

"What time should I pick you up?" I evaded her question.

"Half past never!"

"Come on, after the moments we sh —"

"There were no 'moments'," Her voice dropped to an icy tone—the usual, "You're just a stupid civilian who keeps getting his nose into serious matters; my matters!"

"You really need to stop calling me stupid," My temper was rising...again.

"Enough of this. Never call me again or I'll set Cara on you,"

"Riley, wait! wait! Just hear me o —"

I stared at my phone's screen for about ten seconds in disbelief.
Our very first call and she hung up on me!

Well anyone could see that coming of course

Shut up, traitor.

And just when I thought we were finally making progress.
With a heavy sigh, I pulled up in front of a sweet little house with a garden of daisies and petunias out front.

You see, after my horrific encounter with Ashley the harpy at the library, I decided to think of a foolproof plan on getting Nerd witch for the actual date.
Calling her was just me trying to be civil.
My original plan was to show up anyway and pester her till she had no choice but to go.
With the help of my seven weeks of stalking, I knew exactly where she'd be.

Quick advice: If you're ever looking for a witch, start from it's lair.

I stepped out of the car into the cool evening air.
It was late evening and darkness was slowly settling over the sky, a blanket of stars were playing peekaboo in the heavens above.
Crickets chirped and a cool gust of wind blew some of my hair out of my face.
Perfect for a romantic evening out—I smirked.

I marched up to the front door like an under confident soldier and knocked. Moments later, the door was answered by Nerd witch herself.
Her usual scowl greeted me and I gave her a dashing smile back

"Nice to see you too, sugar plum,"

"What do you want this time?" She managed to ask through tightly clenched teeth.

Happy with myself for having such an effect on her, I dragged it on.

"Won't you invite me in?" I asked innocently


"That's highly inhospitable and rude, you know?"

With a very detailed explanation, she let me know what she thought of hospitability and politeness.
By the time she was done, my face felt cold. Very cold.

"Scram!" she told me and made to slam the door in my face.
I reflexively stopped the door before she had a chance to bruise my forehead again.

"You promised me a date, Riley" I said , straining to hold the door from shutting on my face.

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